Chapter 14

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Guys, if you're still reading, thank you. Shukria. Danke. Merci. Arigato. Komawa. (I don't know how to say thank you in any other languages). I don't know if updates will be regular or not. But please stick around :) And I'm sorry if this story is a little all over the place, I started it so long ago so...yeah. It's definitely going to be more light-hearted than my other story, "Each Other's", which you should also check out! :D



I woke up early on Saturday, which was pretty weird, for me. I usually slept till lunch time on weekends.

I quietly got out of bed and made my way to Polina's room, opening the door and peeking in to check if she was awake.

Judging by the soft snores coming from under the sheets on her bed, I assumed that Polina was fast asleep. It was the perfect time to go out for a quick run, which I did, after changing out of my pajamas.

After about thirty minutes of brisk jogging, my phone started ringing.

I pulled the phone out of my pocket and checked the caller ID. It was Polina.

"Hello?", I said after pressing the 'answer' button.

"Kate, where are you?! Do you know how worried I was when I woke up and you weren't in bed?!", Polina yelled frantically.

I bit my lip. Crap. I'd forgotten to leave a note, telling Polina where I'd gone and when I'd be back.

"I'm really sorry! I completely forgot to leave a note!", I said sheepishly, running my hand through my slightly sweaty ponytail. "I just went for a run, and I'll be right back."

I heard Polina sigh. "It's okay, just don't forget next time. Please."

I nodded, and then remembered that she couldn't see me.

"I won't.", I said before hanging up.

I ran home as fast as I could, and I was panting like a dog on a hot day when I finally got there.

Polina was waiting at the porch, and I slowly walked up to her after catching my breath a little, expecting her to scold me. She didn't, though.

"Kate, you won't randomly leave without telling me beforehand again, will you?", she asked, a weary expression on her face.

"No, I won't. I really am sorry for worrying you.", I said sincerely. "I'm not used to doing this kind of stuff, since mom didn't really care when or where I went out."

Polina frowned at my words. "I see.", she said quietly. "Well, I do care."

Her frown turned into a small smile, and I couldn't help but smile back. It was weird, but I felt slightly happy that I had someone to worry about me, even if it was just a little bit.

We walked back inside together, and Polina got started on making breakfast, while I went to my room and started getting ready for the cinema outing, despite the fact that it was only 9 am, and the movie was at 2 in the afternoon. I just really wanted to look perfect.

After taking a shower, I picked out a casual white dress that almost went down to my knees, a cute cardigan and some ballet flats. When I had put everything on, I went to my mirror to see how it looked.

As I stood in front of the mirror, the first thing I caught sight of was my (now only slightly damp) hair in the mirror.

I cringed. I usually avoided looking at my hair before I straightened it, because it just looked so ridiculous! All around my head, a halo of frizzy blonde curls stuck out in every direction, making me look like a cross between a poodle and a troll doll.

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