Chapter 13

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A/N: okay, quick shout out to * Tarashelton22 * for making the new cover for this story! :D Thanks so much!

And thank you to everyone who voted/commented or just read the story (btw, I do reply to lots of comments, so if you want to ask something, go ahead! I won't give spoilers, though, haha)

I can't believe I have SO MANY views!! :) I'm really glad people are enjoying the story. Oh, and updates will take longer for the next few weeks (examssss). I tried to make this chappy longer, idk if it worked :p

....And here's it is...



The days started to fly by as I started to get used to my new life.

Before I knew it, almost a week had passed.

On Friday, I decided to walk to school since I hadn't been doing my usual running for the past few days.

"Hey, do you remember our plans for tomorrow?", Mia asked me before our class started.

I nodded. "Yeah, we're meeting at the cinema, right?"

Mia smiled brightly. "Yup. It'll be me, Carson, Eric and you!"

I frowned slightly, repeating her words in my head. Mia, Carson, Eric and I?

That sounded a bit like...a double date.

"Um, shouldn't we invite someone else?", I suggested casually, tugging at my tank top. I knew it would be really awkward if it was just the four of us, since Mia and Carson were a couple.

"Why?", Mia asked innocently, her eyes wide. "Trust me, you don't want Jace there. He'll ruin the entire movie with his gross pick-up lines."

I shuddered at the thought of the pervert being in a dark cinema with me. "There must be someone else you can invite.", I insisted.

Mia shook her head quickly. "Nope, no one else."


"Why do you want me to invite someone else so badly, anyway?", Mia interrupted.

"I-I just think it would be more fun that way.", I lied, avoiding her gaze. I didn't want her to think I was nervous or anything...

Mia raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at me. "Right.", she said, as if she knew I was lying.

I was saved from further embarrassment by the teacher entering the classroom.

"Take out your textbooks, kids.", he instructed, starting to write something on the whiteboard.

I let out a relieved sigh and pulled out my textbook.

I'd convince Mia to invite someone else after class.


After the first period, I walked with Mia to our next class. Our schedules were pretty similar, so we had a lot of classes together.

"Hey, do you think I could invite Kara?", I asked Mia, smiling sweetly.

"Kara?", she asked warily. "You mean the red-headed girl?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah. She's really nice!" That wasn't a total lie. I didn't know Kara very well, but she certainly seemed nice enough.

Mia studied her fingernails as she said, "You know, I'm pretty sure Carson doesn't like her."

I sighed. Great, there was just no getting around this.

"Hey!", someone suddenly yelled.

I turned around to face a really pretty girl. She wasn't pretty in a carefree, natural kind of way like Mia was, though.

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