Chapter 15

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Eric's POV:

As soon as I'd dragged Kate to my car, I suddenly became aware of the fact that I'd grasped her hand without even realising it.

I immediately let go, feeling my face warm up in embarrassment.

" you go.", I muttered as I opened the car door for her, simultaneously trying to hide my red face. I was furious at myself--why had I been blushing like a girl all day? I was never like this!

This was all Mia's fault. She'd acted like she couldn't make it to the cinema, but I'd caught the false note in her voice when she'd phoned me. She'd planned this to try and set Kate and I up; I knew her too well not to see through her.

As I got into the drivers seat myself, I wondered if Kate thought that this had been my idea, that I'd asked Mia to plan this. I cringed at the thought before pushing it aside.

I glanced at Kate once we were on the road, and had stopped at a signal.

"So, how're you liking it?", I asked, trying to make small talk. "Being back here, I mean."

Kate smiled a little. "It's great.", she said. "A little weird, but I missed this place, and I feel like I'm...home."

I stared at her. In that moment, she looked so much like her old self. The small smile, the gentle expression.

My heart beat was so loud that I could hear it thudding in my ears...And then, without thinking, I said, "Do you want to stop at my house for a little while?"

Right after I'd finished the sentence, my own words sunk in. I quickly turned back to face the road, just as the signal turned green.
I will not blush, I will not blush...

I chanted to myself, trying to forget what I'd just blurted out.

"Sure.", I heard Kate say quietly.

I briefly glanced at her again, eyes wide. She was still smiling, and her cheeks were ever so slightly more pink than before.

"R-really?", I stuttered.

Kate nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah. I want to see Cutie-pie again. And your mom, if she's home."

I nodded too, unsure of what to say. I was shocked that she'd agreed, yet pleased.

We were pretty quiet for the rest of the drive, but I caught Kate fidgeting a little every now and then. I wondered if she was uncomfortable around me... I didn't want that.

"We're here.", I stated unnecessarily, parking the car in the driveway.

I got out of the car and went over to the other side to open Kate's door for her.

"It looks exactly the same.", Kate said, grinning excitedly. "It feels so good to see this place again."

My chest ached a little bit as I watched Kate. I wasn't sure why--nostalgia, I guess.

I noticed that Mom's car wasn't in the garage.

"Mom isn't home yet.", I said, leading Kate into the house.

As soon as we entered, a loud "MREOW" greeted us.

A huge ball of white fluff ran over to me, rubbing herself all over my legs.

"Meet Cutie-pie.", I said with a laugh.

Kate stared in wonder. "No way! She's big."

She bent down and gently lifted the cat in her arms. Cutie-pie purred and stayed very still, probably sensing that this was someone who wouldn't hurt her.

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