To Tell Him I Love You

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Chapter 1:

It had been a really cold day in London (as always). Phil and Dan had decided to spend the day with Chris and Pj as they hadn't done so in such a long time.

"So what did you guys think of the movie" Chris asked giggling.

"Let's just say Chris, I don't want you choosing the movie again, it was literally the most stupidest movie I had ever seen" replied Dan.

As Chris and Dan went on bickering, Pj turned to Phil as he noticed something did not seem right. Phil was normally quite loud in a way, but today he hardly said anything. His long black hair covering his beautiful blue eyes.

"Phil, stop, what is the matter?" Asked Pj very concerned.

"Ummm nothing Peej, don't worry about it!" Phil replied, looking down at his feet.

Pj pulled Phil aside out of the Hearing range of Dan and Chris, not that they would of noticed anyway, as they were still complaining.

"Phil we have been friends for a long time, you can tell me anything, you know that. Free of judgement it's ok"

A tear slowly trickled down Phil's face.

"Pj, I'm so confused" states Phil, almost under his breath.

"But what, why, tell me Phil please" pleaded Pj.

"I have a huge crush on somebody I shouldn't, and I know this person would never like me back"

Pj kindly smiled

"Any girl in the world would be lucky to win your heart Phil, don't get so funny about it"

"Pj that's the problem, it's not a girl" Phil was petrified. He felt like the whole world and everyone on the planet was staring at him, laughing at him.

"I knew it!!" Exclaimed Pj, really excited. "It is Dan isn't it?"

Phil looked in disbelief.

"Peej, how did you I that obvious?" Phil was embarrassed.

"To be honest Phil, you two have a chemistry like no other. Your love be it whatever kid of love just shines through in big of you" Pj was proud of his own observations.

A slight half smile came to Phil's face. He was feeling a little more relieved.

"If you want me to be honest, I think he likes you too"

Phil began to slowly rock back and forth.

"What makes you say that Peej?" Asked Phil surprised.

"Everything. The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you and about you."

Phil was on disbelief.

"Do you remember last month when we went walking and you forgot your jumper so Dan have you his? Asked Pj

"Yes, he told me he didn't want me getting sick and that he wasn't cold" Phil replied

"Yeah well he was absolutely freezing. But he would much rather get sick then have you sick he told me"

A smile came across Phil's face, and his eyes suddenly weren't so dull.

"Just tell him Phil, trust me, I've never lead you wrong".


This is a Phan Fic I'm Writing for my Beautiful friend Lee <3 :3

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