Chapter 4:

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It was evening when Dan came home.  He was really excited and could not wait to see Phil

“Phil I'm home Phil” he called out.

There was no reply at all.

“Phil??” Dan started to search the house as it was very odd that Phil wouldn’t be home at this hour.  They always have dinner together now.  It was kind of like their thing.  And if one of them were to go out they would leave each other cute little notes around the apartment.

“Phil?” Dan asked softly as he opened Phil’s bedroom door. But he was not there.  He did however notice some boxes, and the room appearing emptier.

*What’s going on?* Dan thought to himself, exploring the partly bare bedroom.  

He walked into the bathroom, and in the bath he noticed Phil. Phil did not disturb when Dan opened the door, he just laid there in the bath, a few bubbles remaining just enough to cover his member.

Dan gazed upon Phil, his Shiny black hair, the way it fell on his face. The way Phil rested his arms, gently across his beautiful stomach.  The way he had his legs slightly bent because he was too tall for the bath tub. His beautiful pale flesh which made Dan wanted to kiss him all over his amazing body. He smiled and noticed himself getting slightly turned on. He became quite thankful that the bubbles were placed were they were because he was still a little awkward with the whole concept of liking a guy.  Well not so much liking a guy, but having sex with a guy.  It was all new to him.

He dragged his eyes back up, slowly from Phil’s feet, up his long legs and up his manly chest, but there was no rise and fall.

“PHIL!” cried out Dan, running to the bathtub as fast as his legs would take him.

He grabbed him by his shoulders and yanked him up.

“PHIL!!” but nothing.

He grabbed out his mobile and called an ambulance

“It’s my boyfriend, you have to hurry!!”

“No I don’t know what happened”

“He isn’t bleeding not that I can see”

“CAN YOU HURRY PLEASE!!!!!!” he hung up the phone.

When he hung up the phone he stopped for a second and realized what he just said. * Phil is my boyfriend, how did this happen? Things were going so fantastic? Was Phil embarrassed by me? Or being with me? Was it something I did? Was it something I didn’t do?*

He unplugged the bath letting the water run out; grabbing a towel he dried Phil wiping the towel all across Phil's damp body.  Tears in Dan's eyes.  Phil had become Dan's everything. Dan wasn’t truly happy until he met Phil.  He needed him! Phil's body had become lifeless, not moving. Dan knew Phil would be embarrassed if anyone caught him in such a state. He grabbed a pair of boxes (which turned out to be a pair of his) and slid them up Phil's legs, lifting his thighs slightly too get them on. The doorbell rang, Dan bolted to the door as fast as his legs would carry him.

They all hurried to the bathroom. Dan was told to stand outside.

“But you can’t, his my boyfriend”

“I'm sorry Dan but it is for the best, if you really love him, you will go”.

Dan left the room and sat outside the door, his knees were pulled up to his chest, wrapping his arm around his legs really tight, his head placed between his knees and chest crying.

After what seemed like forever they bought Phil out on a stretcher. Phil was unconscious, but breathing.

“What happened? Is he ok? Will he be alright? Please tell me!” Dan pleaded with the staff.

“We are not sure.  It looks as though he had an overdose, we are taking him to the hospital to see what damaged has occurred, do you know when this happened or what he took? One of the staff asked.

“No I just got home and found him like this” Dan was still crying.

My strongest suggestion to you, find out what he was doing, who he was with, because that could help us save your boyfriends life.

Dan nodded and watched as they took Phil away, he had never seen him look so pale and so weak before. They closed the door and as they drove of he collapsed on the floor as if his life ended right at that very moment.


so guys leave me comments on here or on my twitter of what you think so far!!!

i dont have a plot set out for this story, i write it chapter by chapter and whatever happens happens. but your opinion is really important to me, dont forget to give me a vote if you like it, and share with people ^_^ 

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