Chapter 6

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It was dark when Dan finally reached Pj's house. He knocked frantically at the door screaming out to him

"Pj please you have to let me in Pj, PJ!" his palms were getting quite red and sore from banging for so long.

Staring at Chris; Pj got up from where he was sitting and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" Pj asked, a bit nervous as this was an abnormal hour for anybody to be knocking on the door, but in the manor they were doing it made Pj and Chris a bit sceptical.

"Peej, its Dan please let me in!" Dan pleaded still banging as hard as he could on the door.

The door swung open and Dan fell to the ground, being swept of his feet by the door.

"Dan what the hell, are you alright?" Chris asks helping him up.

Out of breath, and barely able to talk,

"Pj I need to talk to you, it is Phil"

"Well sit down we need to clear you up first, look at you, you are a mess" he led Dan to the couch

"Pj you don't understand, Phil is in the hospital, I don't know what happened or why" Dan was shaking and crying, finding it extremely difficult to talk.

"What, why, when, how?" all these questions blurting out of Chris' mouth as he sat in disbelief.

"I don't know, I came home and I found him in the bathtub passed out, Pj you were last to see him what happened?"

"Umm Dan, before I say anything is Chris right to know?" making Chris suddenly confused.

"No offence to Chris, I don't care, I just want to know what happened to Phil" Dan was frantic, almost pulling out his hair; he looked pale aside from his eyes which were puffy and red from all the crying.

"Chris, Phil and Dan have been dating a little while now" Chris jumped up.

"Dan I'm so happy for you both, you should have told me!"

Dan smiled slightly before returning to crying

"Dan; Phil saw you out with a girl" spoke Pj quite seriously.

"What are you talking about?" Dan looking confused

"Today when you did not come to Starbucks, you said you couldn't come, but he saw you out the window with a woman he didn't know, he felt you lied to him. I don't know anything beyond that, he ran off and I tried to stop him, but I couldn't" Pj frowning.

"Well you should of chased after him Pj!" Dan yelled.

Chris jumped up in defence.

"Dan I know you are upset, but don't talk to Pj like that ever again it is not his fault, and it is not yours either, now where is Phil?"

Dan began to cry again.

"Pj I am so sorry, Chris you are right, it's all just getting to me. Phil could die, I don't want to lose him, he is my best friend and I don't know what life would be like without him anymore" Dan broke down on Chris' shoulder. Chris wrapped his arms around Dan and stared up at Pj.

"Who was the girl Dan?" Pj asked

Looking up at Pj Dan replied

"She is a good friend of my brother's; she was helping me find Phil the perfect present. I know nothing about dating anyone really, and I just wanted a girl's opinion. I didn't tell Phil because it was a surprise. "

Pj looked down ashamed before picking up the keys to his car,

"Come on, we are going to the hospital"

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