chapter 1

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I cannot believe her. How could she do that to me? I thought we were doing well but nooo. I come back from tour early to surprise her only to see him. Both of them as a matter of fact curled up with each other. How could I be so oblivious thinking she would still be mine after I left months ago. I jotted down by frustrations.

I wanna go back,
Forget that it's over
Paint it in black,
When you left me alone
I never knew,
She was sleeping next door with the kid I grew up with

I slammed my book shut and just stared out my window. I saw her again, she was hugging him. He leaned in as did she and their lips moved in sync till she pulled away. They were just staring into each other's eyes. I felt like my whole world collapsed beneath me with my heart shattered into a million pieces. I gave her my heart and she just ran it over with a bulldozer. I quickly closed my curtains only to be greeted by my sister, Aaliyah.

"Shawnnn you're home!!!"

I gave her a warm smile and she came running to me. She embraced me and wrapped her legs around my waist. She was hugging me so tight I thought I might suffocate.

"Aaliyah you're killing me," I barely managed to say

"Fine, fine, I'm just glad that you're home!"
"Me too." I replied as I fake smiled.
knock knock.
I ran downstairs to open it and the person jumped up and engulfed me in a hug.
"Shawnie boyy you're home!!!"

I'm really excited to write this book so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :) who do you think is at the door?

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