chapter 6

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"Hi Shawn, it's nice to see you again."

Her words sent a shiver through my body. It was a feeling that I have never experienced before.

I was driving up toward a beautiful three story house. I pulled into the driveway as the four small and young children started running out of the front door. All of them were grinning ear to ear eager to see someone. I squinted my eyes to see that they shared my features. I got out of my car nervously.

All four of the children embraced my legs in tight hugs. I gazed at the children's features. The oldest, I assumed, looked like a mini version of myself with a small lazy eye on his right eye, had a beautiful smile with black hair. The three girls had brown hair like mine, brown eyes, and one had a lazy eye on her left eye.

The smallest looked up at me with loving eyes.

"Hi daddy, how was work? Did you write anything about me?"

The children starting talking over each other, making what they were saying inaudible. The smallest girl intertwined her small fingers with my large ones and lead me toward the front door. The other three surrounded me, making me uncomfortable. Once we got inside and walked toward the kitchen the oldest boy spoke up.

"Mommy, daddy is home !! When will dinner be ready, I'm starving?!"

The woman chuckled. I could see her long black hair slightly covering her back. She turned around and I saw her beautiful features, it was no other than the beautiful, Lex.

She walked toward me embracing me in a warm hug. I wrapped my hands around her waist as she leaned in. Her plump lips touched mine and I kissed back with rough passion. We shared a few more kisses before it started to get heated. Sweat started to form on my forehead, making my whole body overcome with heat. I heard a faint "ewww! We are here too, you nasty" which made me break it up.

Lex walked back flirtatiously toward the stove to continue making dinner. I stood there in awe of what has previously taken place.

"It's nice to see you too, honey." She said with a wink.


Shawn was in front of me, the Shawn Mendes. I was severely fangirling but I tried my best to keep it cool when I said, "Hi Shawn, it's nice to see you again."

I thought he would give me a small smile, chuckle or something but instead he didn't say anything. He just stared at me creepily. He wasn't blinking either which started to worry me. I waved my small hands over his hot excuse of a face but there was no reaction.

Before I could even make sense of what was happening, Shawn fell flat on his face. I tried to flip him over so his face wouldn't be facing the cold airport floor but I tripped over his large figure, falling on top of him.

I heard laughter as well as dirty remarks coming from the passersbye in the airport. I quickly got off of Shawn as fellow fangirls rushed to the scene. Gerty was part of the group of fangirls who were trying to make sense to what happened.

"Maybe Shawn fell unconscious because of my beauty," said one.

"No, no, Shawn saw me and was too dazed by my ugliness so he fell unconscious," said another.

"You have it all wrong, maybe he died or something," said the one as the girls next to her gave her a look of disapproval.

Gerty cleared his throat and rushed towards Shawn.

"Lex, what happened?"

"How do you know my my name?" I replied.

"Shawn says your name all the time when he is sleeping."

"Whoops, don't ever tell him I said that, how embarrassing."

"Anyway, he needs to be rushed to a hospital." Gerty quickly dials 9-1-1 and tells them the emergency.

My vision is blurred by the white and red lights of the ambulance. This is all my fault, he would of been fine if I never came. I should of never have come in the first place.

My thoughts were uninterrupted by the sound of Gerty's voice.

"Lex, you're coming, right? Shawn would want you to be with him."

Authors note: this was long overdue. Thank you for all the votes and reads!! Word count for this chapter is 740+ . I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I'm still writing my other chapters so the chapters should be published soon.

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