chapter 7

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My head was throbbing. I started to retrace my steps in my mind. Where was I? I was heading home, I had taken a flight home. The memories of earlier all rushed back, I fell unconscious seeing lex.

damn, I've lost her again. What am I going to do with myself? I probably scared her away. I opened up my eyes rather forcefully to see I was lying on a hospital bed. I scanned around the room to see a girl curled up on a chair asleep. was it aaliyah?

I jumped down from my bed and walked over to the sight. As I neared, I noticed her features. The girl had long back hair and I could see her smiling in her sleep. It was lex after all. Without even realizing it, my heart started beating faster than what I had hoped and my breathing started to quicken.

"Shawn are you alright?"

I couldn't get any words out, no matter how hard I tried.

"Shawn, it's okay. Just calm down, you are going to be fine." Her words soothed me and I started to calm down.

She walked towards me and I leaned in. It was easy to tell that Lex was surprised. She kissed back and smiled in the kiss. Our lips were still touching when the door was opened. In front of the door stood everyone's favorite Mendes.

"Woah, Shawn get it."

I pulled away from Lex embarrassed and I could see her cheeks get pinker as the seconds pasted by.

"Well, I'm going to let you continue where you guys were," Aaliyah said looking back smirking before leaving the doorway completely.

"Where were we?" Lex said smirking.

Author's note: I am so sorry for not updating, I've been so busy. This was long overdue. I hope you enjoyed it and make sure to comment and vote. I feel like I waited wayyy to long to update and I've probably lost all the people who loved reading this. So I'm so so sorry. My New Years resolution is to start posting a new chapter every week for each one of my three books (I posted a new one called Superficial). I hope you like the new covers too, I made them!! :))

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