chapter 4

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"I'm so sorry.." I started to say as I was cut off by the girl in front of me.

Hii..." The girl started saying nervously

"Hi, what's your name?" I responded calmly and smoothly hoping that this girl is not some psycho fan who will take a strand of my hair and make clones of me.

"Lalalaexx.  I would ask you but I already know who you are," she responded slightly stuttering with nervousness.

"It was nice meeting you, Lex. Do you want a picture or something?"

"Umm yeah, thanks Shawn. By the way, you are way taller in person" she told me as she pulled out her phone for a picture. As soon as she said those words, it made me realize how small she was compared to me.

She held out her hand wanting me to take it but I gave her a confused look. She caught on and replied "Shawn it's for the picture."

I nodded and took her hand as I fake smiled for the picture. Ever since Erika broke up with me, it's caused to much pain to give a genuine smile. I started thinking about all the good times Erika and I had together and then how my heart was broken into pieces when she was with someone else.

Lex's voice acted as someone snapping their fingers in my face. It shifted my mind back towards reality.



"Yes Lex."

"Are you okay? You kinda were just standing there and I was getting worried..."

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine, okay!" I snapped.

"Jeez okay, I was just making sure. I'm sorry to upset you Shawn"

She started to walk away and I mentally slapped myself for being so rude. I gently grabbed her arm and she turned around with a smile plastered on her face.

"Look I'm really sorry, Lex. I didn't mean to be so rude. I feel so bad"

"Shawn don't worry, it's fine as long as you follow me on Twitter. Then I won't hold a grudge" she joked as she winked at me.

I let out a small chuckle as I handed her my phone so she could type in her Twitter @ . It was the first time I've showed any signs of actual emotions other than sadness and anger.

I watched as she typed her username, @shawn_my muffin . I mentally smiled. I love the creativity of my fans with their adorable usernames.

"Thanks for everything, Shawn. It was nice meeting you and thanks for the follow" Lex said as she walked the other direction and I walked into my tour bus.

Thoughts of her appearance echoed in my mind. Maybe she was just what I needed to finally come out of the darkness that currently surrounds me.

Authors note: thank you for all your reads and comments! This update was longggg overdue. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Make sure to comment and vote. This whole book so dedicated to my internet best friend, Lex aka shawn_mymuffin

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