chapter 2

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"Shawnie boyy you're home!!!"

She yelled as she engulfed me in a hug. I didn't hug back, my hands just laid flat against the sides of my body. She let go and gave me a confused look.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea-no, you know what, I'm not okay"

I grabbed my maroon obey hoodie and put it on as I walked out of the door. She followed me so we walked into the woods by my house until we stopped at the stumps where I could sit.

"Shawn I don't understand what's wrong. How was tour? Did you have fun with Taylor and meeting all those singers?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"What! I don't understand why you're acting so cold and upset"

I stood up from where I was sitting and started pacing back and forth.

"You-you don't understand, huh? So it's okay for my girlfriend to be cuddling and kissing my best friend!!! I was gone on tour for 4 months but that doesn't excuse your actions, how could you? I have always been there for you and yet you would do this to me?! You were the one that stayed in my head all those days and nights, you were the thing that I was looking forward to seeing after the tour was over. I even came home early to surprise you but someone was already there with you"

I saw tears form in her eyes but there was no way I was going to wipe them away. She doesn't deserve that. I stormed off as she just stood there with a blank face. When I looked back I saw her mumble the word sorry. There was no way that was going to cut it. You can't just say sorry for breaking my heart...

I was lying on my bed as thoughts filled my brain. I was severely heartbroken and I lost the one person I could talk to about everything, my best friend. I just can't believe he would do that to me, that they both did that to me . My thoughts were interrupted by a ding from my phone. Her contact name flashed on my phone.

dead to me: look even though I'm happier with him, I want you to stay

Why did she even have the nerve to text me? I just ignored it as I threw my phone against the wall in frustration.

When I went to go pick it up I saw that the whole front screen was shattered. I just walked back to my bed and laid down. I closed my eyes as I drifted to sleep. The memories of all the fun times we had together went through my head. Her laugh, her smiling at me, our food fights, hugging her, me boarding for the airplane when I left for my tour, and most importantly holding her. How am I going to recover? I have to leave for tour again in 2 weeks!!

I shoved the thoughts to the back of my mind as I grabbed my phone and hit Twitter.
I tweeted I can't go back to her anymore.

As soon as it posted it got 10,000 retweets and 20,000 favorites. The comments were all of concerned fans wondering if I was okay.

Will I ever be?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Make sure to comment and vote! Shoutout to my fave shawn_mymuffin

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