Love Like This Part Two

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The heat was incredible. We got to the venue just as the bands and their crews were rolling in in their buses and vans. "What are we doing here so early anyway?" I asked Jason 

"I read somewhere that bands sometimes walk around the venue."

"Oh right"

I parked the car in the lot and we walked along to the stage. They had just begun setting up all the amps and the mic stands. I looked over at Lisa and she was staring somewhere I couldn't see. I turned my head to get a better look. My heart sunk. She was staring at a girl, a year or so younger than herself pulling her mothers hand to get to the side of the stage. "Come on mom! Hurry up!" I could hear her say. I always dreaded talking about this.I went over to Lisa and grabbed her hand. I didn't know what to say. So we just stood there for around 15 minutes. Her hand still gripped mine as the tears engulfed her eyes.

I dreaded these moments. So I didn't say anything. I suddenly realized Jason was missing. I turned around, he was gone. I walked over to where the buses were parked. Nowhere. I had learnt not to get worried. He was 15, old enough to take care of himself. But something inside me still worried. I grabbed Lisa and we started walking around the lot.

"Jason! JASON!"

After about an hour of doing this I was a wreck. This place was huge. I had heard stories of kidnappings. The heat was no help. We asked anyone we saw but there weren't alot of people because it was still early. I walked along the east side of the lot along the tour buses and vans. I was about to turn around and walk back when I heard Jason laughing. Lisa and I walked toward where the sound was coming from. It was from a tent set up close to the building adjoining the stage. For the band and crew I guessed.


He was with someone else. I couldn't tell who it was. I honestly didn't care Flooded with relief and annoyance "Jason!"

"Hey sis!"

"Don't hey sis me! What is wrong with you!? You don't just run off like that leaving me and Lisa behind. This is a huge place I wouldn't know where to look! That was unbelievably selfish and irresponsible. You, me and your sister stick together.."

From the corner of my eye I realized the stranger was looking at me

"Just. Don't do it again"

"Yeah I'm sorry"

I sighed I closed my eyes for a second to get myself together. This heat was crazy. I just wanted to go home.

"Are you okay?" His voice interupted my thoughts. I opened my eyes to see his face staring at mine with a genuinly concerned expression "Are you okay?" he repeated. I couldn't help but get distracted by his eyes. They were hazel. A touch of green around the iris. I realized he was actually quite gorgeous. A structured face with a hint of pink because of the heat. His hair was straight but had curls here and there

I realized I was staring at him without answering his question

"Um. Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I was just worried"

I became aware that he was studying me. A tinge of red creeped up on my face, embarassed by the whole thing. I gestured to Jason to get up and come with me. He ignored me

"Oh he can stay. Its fine. He asked for my autograph so I asked him if he would like a tour of this  place." He smiled

I got a bit week in the knees

"Um, I'm sorry, your autograph?"

He laughed at my absent mindedness

"Sis, this is John Gomez. He plays in a BAND" my sister hissed obviously embarassed of my blunder.

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