Love Like This Part Seven

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The drive home was quiet. The streets were pretty much empty because the next day was a Monday and everyone had already headed home. I was so exhausted.  I couldn't help smiling. At the back of my mind I've always wondered if I could ever have a normal relationship. Boys my age weren't into commited relationships. Just one time things. I had other people to take care of. Flings were a waste of time. After the first couple of years of moving out with my grandparents and into our own apartment. I had tried to get back in the dating scene. I mean, I was only human. I got lonely sometimes.

But boys had only one thing on their minds. Sex. I gave up after the first few first dates.

Home. "Guys wake up"



Lisa rolled over and Jason grunted. I got out of the car and opened the door to the back seat. Dragging Jason out I nudged Lisa. Jason, barely awake staggered and dragged himself up the stairs. Lisa just wouldn't budge. I went over to her side, slipped my arms under her and lifted her. Man the kid had gotten heavy. I closed to door with my knee and climbed the stairs. They took twice as time. By the time I had gottten to the door Jason was leaning on the wall with his eyes closed


"Jason" I hissed


"Grab the keys out of my bag"

The apartment was so quiet. Waking the kids up tomorrow was going to be tough. Getting myself up was going to be even harder. 

I'm so tired. But you know, its a good kind of tired. I don't feel drained of all feeling. Half asleep, half awake. I'd have to get up soon. I said my best swear word and dragged myself up from under the covers. It's been a while since I've been the first one to get up. I usually work night's so I'm asleep when Lisa and Jason wake up and get ready for school. The door to Lisa's bedroom was open. No one inside. 7 in the morning and she's still earlier than me.


"In here" she called from the shower

Up next, Jason. The kid sleeped like a log. I'd have to literally drag him out of bed. I yanked all the sheets off him. Then the pillow from under his head and then violently shook him



He rolled over.

Oh no, not today. I grabbed his feet and pulled him off the bed. He landed on the carpet with a thud. "Ow!"

"Get in the shower and get ready for school"

Today was Monday. I usually worked the day shift at the Grocery Store across the street on Mondays. Crappy job but it lets me be close to home and then pick up Jason and Lisa from school, besides the pay's not bad.  I walked Lisa and Jason to the bus stop. Came home and showered.  Today was exceptionally chilly. Thats the thing about the weather here, it could be mind numbingly hot one day and equally cold the next day. 

Today was a slow day. Not alot of people came in Monday morning. The three of us who worked there, Jackie, Ben and Rachel were all from the same highschool. Personally, I liked Jackie the best.  We'd been friends since Middle School. I don't know if it eas because I looked tired or..

"Hey Sara, we got it here. You can head home if you like"

"No Im good"

What was going to do at home anyway. Probably sleep. My time was spent better here, even if I wasn't doing anything. My stomach growled. I'd forgotten to eat breakfast. I couldn't eat that early anyway.  I headed to the back to check inventory. I might as well do something productive.  I heard the bell ring, which meant someone had come into the store. They could handle it. I almost dropped whatever I was carrying.

"John?" He winked. Yeah it was John alright, completely casual in a sweatshirt and fitted jeans. He was eating an apple sitting on the counter. As soon as he saw what I was carrying he hopped off and grabbed the boxes from me and set them down on the floor

"What, what are you doing here?"

"I decided waiting till 5 was too long. You busy?"

I couldn't help laughing

"Not at all actually"

"Thats great, wanna get outta here?"

I couldn't think of anything better I would rather be doing. "Hey Jackie, I might just take you up on that offer. Call me if you need anything"

She looked confused but she didn't say anything. I didn't blame her, here I was, leaving with a complete stranger.  John read her face and immediately said "Hey I'm John" 

He smiled and I could tell she thought the same thing I did. He was gorgeous

"Jackie" she smiled.

"You ready?" he turned to look at me

"Yeah just let me grab my stuff." I walked to the back room where I was completly ambushed by Jackie and Rachel

"Who is THAT?!"

"Ohmygod he's so good looking"

"What have you been hiding"

I laughed. "Nothing you guys, we just met yesterday" I walked past them before they could say anything more

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