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"Bre I'm serious get upppp I'm bored and hungry." I complain shaking my friend attempting to wake her up. She's one of the deepest sleepers I know I swear to god she normally doesn't get up past noon. "Bre dammit." I say out of frustration. She jut covers her head, ignoring me. I bite my lip thinking of a way to wake her up.

I smirk. I'll just get some ice water, then I'll tell her that her favorite band member (jack) from all time low followed her. I go down stairs. Hmm no ones up yet weird. I get a cup and fill it quickly with cold water and run back upstairs. I set the cup on my night stand and grab my phone entering twitter I dm'd bee saying "got you, should have woken up loserrr."

I looked at her as she stirred in bed and smiled to myself knowing she would be pissed, but I didn't are I'm bored. "OH MY GOD BRE WAKE UP WAKE UP-" I jump on the bed making it more dramatic as I squeal. "BRE JACK FOLLOWED YOU AND POSTED A TWEET SAYING THAT HE DMED A REALLY CUTE FAN AND HOPES TO MY HER." Her eyes go wide as she wakes up and she jumps up to check her phone. " GOD DAMN YOU I THOUGHT YOU HE ACTUALLY DMED MEE UGH WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN" she whined after opening my DM. I giggled as I crah laying on the bed flailing my arms from laughing. I look over to breanna to see a pout on her lips. "Awwh, is re butt hurt." I laugh. "C'mon lets get food." I say knowing it would make her happy.

"What are we gonna eat?" She yawns as we make our way down stairs. "Pizza sound alright?" I ask. She gives me an 'are you kidding me' look. "Dude... It's in the morning though, and aren't your parents kinda strict about that?" I laugh. "Bre.... One; it's 12:13 pm... Two... My parents aren't even home." I sigh being that I'm curious as to why my parents aren't home.

"But your parents are always home on weekends..... Weird..." She sighs digging through my fridge. "That's what I thought..." I trail off in my mind. "Aha, found it." She says pulling out one of the last sodas in our house. I laugh. Re always drinks up all of our soda I don't get why. She dosnt even drink soda at her own house I swear she's so weird.

After eating I decide to call my mom it's really strange that she's not home. I pull out my phone and dial her number. One ring. Two rings. Three. Four.... Five.........6. 'The person you are trying to reach is unavailable.' What the hell?

A/n hey Guys!!! Okay so this chapter isn't finished and it's really short but in havnt updated in so long, I actually started wringing this chapter a month ago lol sorry it's so short and tht I forgot to post it.

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