The Villain kids

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Real quick A/N:
Thanks for the 10 Votes and 157 Reads! Its only been 2 days! I mean really. Never would I have thought that in 2 days I could get 157 reads! TOTAL AMAZEBALLS!! I Love You Guys so much!
<3 Keep on reading! <3


Rae's POV

Last night I didn't get any sleep. Not that I usually do anyway. Rana and I had a plan for today. This is going to be fun. Around school we heard that teachers do really stupid things so We are going to put cameras up in all the class rooms. If we find something that we this is funny or will make the teachers look bad we will post in on our website that we have called Pretty much the whole school including Ben and Audrey watches what we have on there. Next we are putting Cameras in students dorms. This is going to be good. First stop the Villain kids. For Rana she will get the Princesses and then I will get the Castle since I can use Magic to telaport places. First I knock on Mal's room. FYI the cameras are Magic so they can never be seen my someone other than me.

Mal opened the door. "Mal hey cuz." Yes Mal and I are cousins.

"Hey. Come in Rae." She opened the door wider and I see Evie sitting on her bed.

"Wow don't you guys need sun screen in here?" I joked.

"That's what I said. Hey Evie come meet Rae."

Evie stood up and walked over to me. "Hello." She stuck her and out to me. "I'm Evie"

"Rae. Anyway I just thought I Should Introduce myself since you know I Hate the Prissy Princesses and Princes around here because I don't get along with Heros."

"Yeah" Mal said.

"Well I guess I should go. Nice seeing you Mal and Nice meeting you Evie." I put my hand on the door frame leaving the small camera behind. I opened the door and waved goodbye to them. 1 down 1 to go.

I was just about to go to the boy's dorm when Rana stopped me. "I'm not so sure the Castle is a good idea anymore!"

"Why?" I questioned.

"What if the king and queen see it. We would be dead. They would know it was us!"

"Aww is little Rana afraid to get in a little trouble with the king and queen?" She didn't look like she was kidding. "Fine I'll only but it in Ben's room." She nodded an walked off.

------ At the Boy's dorm ------

I walked up to their dorm. I knocked hoping that Jay wasn't there. I really don't want to see him right now. Luck for me the white haired kid opened the door.

"Hel- oh sorry Jay isn't here in case you wanted to give him a smack down again."

I shook my head and pushed his door open the rest of the way. "Oh I'm not here for Jay honey. I'm here for you."

By now he had backed up farther into his room. After I said that he pointed at himself. "Me?"

"Yes. Why would I want to see Jay? He may be my best friend's brother but that doesn't me I like him." I took off my leather glove and stuck my hand out. "Rae" He looked down at my hand and then back at my face giving me the 'Did you really think I was going to fall for that?' look. I pulled my hand back and put my glove back on. "Smart kid. I like you. Anyway I thought that hey I don't get along with Heros so I should go meet the Villain kids but I can see you don't want me here So-"

"No its fine I just don't plan on shaking your hand anytime soon. If you can look at Jay and hurt him then I don't want to see what you can do if you touch someone."

Rotten to the Core *Carlos De Vil* DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now