Powers and Gifts

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*Rae's POV*

    I walk down the hall to Mal and Evie's room while humming the oh so famous song when Darth Vader shows up in 'Star Wars'. Quickly remembering Carlos' strange behavior for the past week I turn around and walk to his room instead. 'I wonder whats been up with him lately?' I think to myself as I look down at the ground while walking. Finally reaching his room I decide to walk into the shadows and watch him while he can't see me.

Carlos paced around his room muttering things like 'I should have asked' and 'Did I just dream it all?' Finally stopping he throws himself on his bed and yells to himself. "Great! I'm going insane!"

Taking the chance I use my powers to look through his brain and I stumble across a memory from that night with the wolf attack. Retaliating at my find I fall out of the shadows startling Carlos. He gets up and walks over to my groaning figure on the floor of his room.

"Um Rae? What are you doing here and how the crap did you just fall out of my wall?!"

"I have a perfectly good explication to that!" And here come my lies. "Well you see I was coming to see you and ask if you wanted to pull a prank on Jay. So me being lazy I decided to shadow-travel here. The shadows can be a horrifying place for anybody so when a monster started to chase after me I ran. Yes I ran while in the shadows. No it does not work very well." I wasn't completely lying to him. Running in shadows does not work very well. Trust me. " The monster grabbed my ankle as I was trying to  exit the shadows and therefore I fell out of the shadows."

"Uh-huh. I see. Well to answer your question I would like to pull a prank on Jay. He'll be walking by the woods later so lets wait there."

I sighed silently seeing that he believed my story. I wasn't a complete lie. It's just that it happened in the past. "Okay lets get to it!"

*In the woods*

Carlos and I where waiting for Jay when I heard a twig snap behind me.

"I though you said he was coming through here!?!" I whisper yelled at him while pointing to the trail.

"He is!" He whisper yelled back then gulped, looking behind me. "That's not Jay..."

Turning around I see the rough wolf from last week and 2 others behind him ready to fight. "Not again! I told you to stay away from here! Carlos get back." Quickly he obliged and ran a good 12 or 13 feet away. "I told you to stay away but you just had to come back didn't you?"

Wolfing out I was a good 3 or 4 feet taller than them. One looked scared while the other 2 looked ready to fight. Nevertheless the scared one stayed. I attacked the lead grabbing his neck in my jaw. Throwing him to the side I grabbed a female more around my height. She kicked me in the stomach but I quickly ran her into a tree nocking her out instantly. I turned to the smaller male who was the scared one. I walked forward but I was nocked over by the led male hitting my side. Snarling I grabbed him, reared onto my hind paws and dropped pushing him into the ground, effectively nocking him out. By the time I turned around the small wolf was gone. walking behind a tree I went back to my human form and Carlos came back out from behind a log.

He stared at me, the wolves, and then back at me. He said his next words very slowly "nvsklnvslfnsbn. Ummmmmmmmmmmm."

Laughing I look at the wolves. "Meh. There's been better fights I've been in"

Braking out of his state of shock he laughs a little. "Wish I had cool powers like that!"

"Yep! It's the life!" I ponder for a second. "What if I said I could give you an awesome power?"

"I might go over there and kiss you."

"Okay no need to go that far! A simple thank you would do just fine!" I reach into my hoodie and pull out a black chain bracelet that has a dark gray scull on it. Handing it to him I tell him what it does. "When you put on this bracelet you turn invisible! It's a little something I made a while back with my father." My faced saddened for a second but I quickly replaced it with a fake-ish smile. "Enjoy!"

*Carlos' POV*

Rae handed me a bracelet an told be what it does "When you put on this bracelet you turn invisible! It's a little something I made a while back with my father."  Her face saddened. But as quickly as it came, it went.

I pick her up and yelled out. "COOLEST FRIEND EVER!!" Dropping her back down onto the ground we  both smiled at each other and hugged. We quickly decided to get back to pranking Jay after hearing him coming down the path. Lets just say he has some shiny, glittery hair and he wont be getting it out anytime soon.

A/N  AWWW!!!! Little Carlos and Rae moment going on there! I'm so sorry guys for the wait. My life has been a bit busy. I will try update more often to the best of my ability. Also new thing going on. A little while ago one of you messaged me, asking me to make the same story Just from Rana's POV. I'm sorry guys if you wanted that it's just not in my reach. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! If you DM on my account about making her side of the story please do! I want to see where that would go. So for all the readers and writers out there who want to see Rana's side of this story and would like to create it please PLEASE message me personally. We will talk about and maybe one of you lucky readers can write it! As I said before I want to see where her side of the story goes. My only thing is that I would like credit for anything you use from my story including Rana herself. You can take full credit for where her story goes. You guys are all amazing readers and I sure you are all amazing writers too. You can do so much and have to much fun doing so. If you want me to read your work I shall do so and enjoy it!

                                                               Love you all and all of your work,
abby <3

Rotten to the Core *Carlos De Vil* DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now