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I've seen on the tv, youtube, news and all the shit about suicide. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporally problem. Everything gets better and you may not know this but, I've been through it. I've gone through it and it hasn't happened in a long time.

I can't even say the word SUICIDE because it just makes me very sad. It's just disgusting how bullies are and yes, it may seem like what is happening is going to be forever but it's not.

Bullies try to take you down because you are higher than them and they want you to feel lower than them. But in reality, you are higher, you are smarter than being mean, you are beautiful, you may fell weak but that is the feeling.

If you have been through bullying comment 'I did' and favorite the chapter. I would like to.know your stories, because everyone, and I mean everyone has a story to tell.

I love you all and thank you for listening to my words. Bye lovelies


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