Chapter 1

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Mom: Meet us in the living room please! 



Your parents usually never talk to you. It's weird when they actually do. When they talk to you it's either they tell you they're going on a business trip or that they need you to clean the house. You always know that your parents never liked you. Not because you weren't a good child, or that you rebel against them. But it was because you were ugly. 

Your mom was 40 but she look like she was in her twenties. Her beauty radiated throughout the whole house. Her skin was white and blemish free. Her eyelashes looked like they were fake. Lips that were perfectly pink. She has a petite 5 foot frame, with her doll like body. Your dad was only 43 but was super ripped. He had a muscular build at 6 feet 2 inches.


*You walking out to the the living room*

You: Are you guys leaving again?

Dad: Actually it's the complete opposite.

Mom: You're the one leaving.

You: Hm?

Mom: We want you to go live with your grandparents in Seoul. We've adopted another kid.

You: Okay, now I know I'm not the prettiest thing on this planet but you gave birth to me! How could you tell me to live with someone else?

Dad: But you love your grandparents.

You: I do, dearly. But why are you making me leave all of the sudden. AND WHY'D YOU ADOPT ANOTHER KID?!

Mom: Whenever we have house guests over we never really tell you that you're our child. We always say that you're the maid. 


Dad: Everyone believes it since your looks don't match up to ours. 

Mom: The only reason we adopted another kid was to say it was ours.. If only you saw the beauty the kid had.

You: I can't believe my own parents would do this to me.. Even if I'm ugly you can't do something like this.  *Tears slowly fall*

Mom: Come on honey it'll be ok. You don't have friends either way, so maybe in Korea you'll meet some new people. 

Dad: Your mom is  right! Korea is all about cosmetics maybe you should consider getting some touch ups while you're there. 

You: Fine if that's what you want. 

Mom: I've already gotten you a plane ticket for tonight at 8. 

Dad: Pack your suitcase and leave quietly. Your grandparents will tell us when you get there. Me and your mom will send you money each month. 

You: Okay .. *sigh*

Dad: You can leave now. 

You: *Walks to your bedroom*


You: This is unbelievable. Are they really telling me to leave because I'm too ugly for them? I'm their own kid . I don't understand how they have the heart to do this . But I guess I am too ugly for anyone .. 


-1 month later in Seoul -

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