Chapter 15

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Hey guys! I'm sorry for posting chapter 15 late, last night wattpad wasn't working for me and chapter 15 got deleted after spending 2 hours on here. But here it is! 

"VERNON!" you say shaking him.
"(Y/N)?" he said confused while looking around.
You guys were still on the beach. The only things that changed was that it was darker outside.
"Were you having a nightmare?"
"(y/n)! You're alive." he said hugging you.
"Huh? Yup you had a bad dream."
"Yeah. You died in it.." he said holding you still.
"Woah.. You hate me that much?" you said jokingly.
"Of course not!"
"I know, I know. I was just joking. Look I'm here." you say getting close to his face.
Vernon's instincts told him to kiss you, but he held himself together.
"Oh, sorry." you said backing away.
"No, it's okay." Vernon says while scratching his head.
"Let's go back, it's getting late." you say.
"Oh yeah. Let's go."
You guys grabbed your stuff and walked to the parking lot but your car was no where to be seen.
"Are you sure you parked here?" you ask.
"Yes, I'm positive." he says.
"Do you have your keys?"
Vernon puts his hands in his pockets and pulls out the car remote. He presses a button to unlock it but he doesn't here anything.
"Did someone steal it?.." you ask.
"Nooo way.."
You guys both went to the police station to file a report.
The police sincerely apologizes for the incident and says that after look at securty cameras it's seems that Vernon's car was hot wired and stolen by someone.
"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." the police says while bowing his head at a 90 degree angle.
"It's okay. Unexpected event's happen in life." Vernon explains.
"What do we do now.. Do you want me to call Emily?" you ask.
"There's a couples hotel near here. The view is great and if you guys stay it's on us. Plus a new car will be sent to you tomorrow morning."
"Couple?" Vernon says.
"He thinks we're dating.." you whisper to Vernon.
"OHHHH. US. We're not a co-"
"THAT SOUNDS GREAT!" you say grabbing Vernon's hands.
Before the wedding started Joshua came to see everyone.
"Hey guys." he said.
"Shouldn't you be with Lilly?" Dino asked.
"She's getting ready still."
"Is this wedding what you really want?" asked The8
Joshua didn't say anything..
"Joshua." Emily said.
"Can we go somewhere private to talk?" Joshua says.
You guys move to the back of the church.
"I'm sorry for everything." he says.
"Tell (y/n) that." said Dino.
"Where is she?"
"She's with Vernon. They ditched your wedding." Emily explains.
"Oh.. I see." Joshua says.
"I'm actually glad they're not here. They need time to themselves. JUST THEMSELVES." says Emily.
"Yeaaah. That's right babe. I guess Vernon was the man for her in the end.." Woozi says.
"Are you guys trying to get me jealous right now?" Joshua asks.
"Of course not. We're just trying to make you realize what you've done." said Emily.
"You guys don't know anything.. So don't make up useless stuff."
"What'd you say?" Wonwoo asks.
"I said you guys don't know what's going on, so don't says MEANINGLESS things." Joshua said raising his voice.
"It's not meaningless. It's the truth. A truth to what a jerk you are." said Emily.
"Whatever, even if I explained you guys still won't understand."
"What is there to explain?" said Dino.
"It's too much. I just wanted to ask you to support me with my marriage." Joshua asks.
"Hahah.. NO." said Hoshi.
"It wasn't supposed to be with herrrrr. THE WITCH OF THE DAMN WEST, it was supposed to be wtih (y/n)" said Dino.
"Will you guys stop mentioning her? I already told you that whatever happened between me and her over. Gone, vanished. Like it never happened. Dating her was a mistake, she was only a replacement for Lilly. Nothing more. " he says.
"So what you're trying to tell us is that the relationship between you and (y/n) didn't mean anything?" Emily asked.
"Mhm.." said Joshua.
Emily scoffs at his response.
"Woahh complete jerk." she says.
Lilly suddenly calls for Joshua, "Babe, where'd you go? Our wedding is supposed to start."
"I'll see you guys at the party later." Joshua says walking away.
"Why'd you say that we were a couple?"Vernon asked you at the hotel.
"I don't know. I didn't want to go back so I lied." you admit.
"You could've just told me that, I wouldn't have gone back either way." he said.
" I just want to get away for a while."
"I can understand that."
"You should go shower or something." you say.
"You first."
You grabbed the complimentary pajamas that were left for you on the bed and went to go shower.
Vernon was waiting in the bedroom watching t.v while you showered. After showering and coming out it was his turn. When he got out of the shower you guys both realzed that they were couple pajamas.
"So I guess we're matching." Vernon says.
"I guess so.."
You decided to watch a movie together.
"Scary movie?" you ask.
"Yeah why not." he says.
"I hate scary movies though.." you say.
"It's fine. I'm here."
"Omo, how corny."
"That's me." he says.
"I'll just go to bed, you can watch it."
"How boring.." Vernon says. "Of course you wouldn't want to do anything fun."
"Ugh, I just don't like watching scary movies okay?" you say annoyed.
"Rock paper scissors. If I win you watch." Venron negotiated.
"I suck at rock paper scissors. I might as well just watch it with you then."
"Really? I'll turn it on then." Vernon says getting off he bed and putting the disk in. You guys were watching Insidious 3.
You were sitting on the bed with the blankets while Vernon was sitting right infront of the screen immersed into the movie. In the begining things weren't as scary but as you kept watching there were pops up left and right. Each time a scary part came on you would squeal or hide in your blankets.
"AHHH!" you screamed.
"You're scared?" Vernon asks.
"NO SH*T." you say annoyed.
"Alright alright. Should we watching something else?" he says.
"No, I can do this." you say.
"Okay then." Vernon says continuing to watch the movie.
As you got to the scarier parts you wanted to just hide in your blankets and not watch the movie anymore.
"Vernon.." you say.
"Hm?" he said not looking away from the screen.
"Could you come here.." you ask shyly.
He turned around and smiled at you. "Of course I can." he says getting under the covers with you.
More scary scenes started to pop up and you would hide behind Vernon.
He would ask you a couple of times if you wanted to watching something else but you were determined to finish the movie. Finally a few hours passed and it ended.
"Did you like it?" he asked you.
"NO" you said with a serious face.
"I did." he says smiling.
"Well you're nuts."
"I like it because you were using me as your shield the whole time." he said "It was adorable. That's the only reason why I wanted to watch the movie."
"YAH YOU JERK!" you said punching him.
"Ow! That hurts." he yelled.
"DOES IT?! DOES IT REALLY?!" you say standing on the bed while whacking him with pillows.
"OKAYOKAYOKAY I'M SORRY" Vernon says putting his hands over his head.
"NO *WHACK* YOU'RE *WHACK* NOT *WHACK*" you say hitting him over and over again.
He grabbed your body and you fell right ontop of him.
"Ow.." he says holding your forearms.
"How annoying." you say.
"Am I? Am I really?" he says with a sly brow.
"Shameless.." you scoff.
While you were being annoyed at him you didn't realize how close you two were. You propped your arms up to get off but he held onto them, making you lay on his chest.
"Let me go will you." you say.
"Nopppeee." Vernon says sticking his tongue out.
"How childish."
"Fine I'll be serious now." His smiled disappeared and his expression was replaced with a sultry look.
"Stop it will you." you plead.
"Are you falling for me?" he asks.
"You're annoying." you say.
"(y/n) do you like me still?"

Lilly and Joshua were welcoming older guests that were at their party, along with important people from Lilly's company.

"How annoying.. Seeing them together." Dino says while taking a sip of his champagne.
"I know right." Jun says.
"Look at that laugh on her face.. I can't believe she has the guts to act like after taking someone's man away." said Hoshi.
"Aren't you on team Vernon now?" Woozi ask grabbing a drink from the waiter.
"I mean I am.. but what I'm say-"
Emily cut Hoshi off in the middle of his sentence. "Do you guys every wonder if her legs are really paralyzed? she asks.
"I think you had a LITTTLLLLEEE to much to drink Emily." said Seungkwang.
"No. I'm dead serious right now." said Emily.
"Well even if it's a lie how're we going to get our answer?" asked DK.
"I have a plan.." Emily said with a smirk.
"Ommo, not one of your plans." said Seungkwang.
"Let's kidnap her."
"WHAT. KIDNAP WHO NOW?" Hoshi said spitting out his drink.
"Lilly. What if we take her somewhere and leave her there.. Somewhere that she can't get away from."
"I think she's gone crazy." Jun said to Woozi.
"No.. I think she might be onto something." said Woozi.
"Woah.. I think they've both had too much to drink." Wonwoo said.
"I have a better plan, that doesn't involve going to jail." said Jeonghan.
"What is it?" Emily asks.
"How about Emily goes and talks to Lilly. Say things that might provoke her and get her mad. Maybe slap her? And she'll probably slap you back." he explained.
"So I have to slap her?.." Emily asks.
"Maybe." Jeonghan said.
"I'm in." she said.
"Alright, go and try to talk to her. Me and everyone else will either be recording or we'll get a picture if that actually happens." said Jeonghan.
Emily walks over to Lilly and tried to start small talk with her.
"Lilly!" Emily calls.
"What." she says annoyed seeing Emily.
Emily refrains herself from slapping her right then and there because of her attitude but she didn't want to ruin the plan.
"Can I talk to you in private?" she asks.
"For what. I'm busy." said Lilly.
"They're something I just wanna get off my chest."
"What is that you can't just say here?" she asks.
"JUST TALK TO ME IN PRIVATE PLEASE." Emily says running out of patience.
"Fine." Lilly gives in.
They go into a room that no one is in. Jeonghan and Woozi were recording and waiting for the perfect moment to snap the perfect picture. While the rest were on guard watching for people.
"What is that you wanted to tell me?" Lilly said.
"You do know that we know what you're trying to do here right?" Emily said.
"What do you mean."
"We all know the Joshua doesn't really LOVE you. How can he?"
"Excuse me?"
"You and your mom are controlling Joshua with something aren't you?" Emily said pointing at her.
"I don't know what you're talking about. What total bullsh*t." Lilly said looking away.
"Total bullsh*t? You just don't want to admit it because it's TRUE!."
"I don't even know why I came to talk to you." Lilly said trying to leave.
"Haha. No, you're not leaving that easily. You ruined everything, you took something that didn't belong to you."
"HE DID BELONG TO ME. HE WAS MINE!." Lilly barked.
"You're a total b*tch, you don't deseve any of this!"
The guys were watching for people until Joshua spotted them.
"Do you know where Lilly is?" he asked.
"Uhm yeah .. there's something we need to show you." Hoshi said pushing him towards the window to see Emily and Lilly arguing.
"What's going o-"
"Shhhh. Just watch." Jun said.
Joshua didn't say anything and just watched the scence happening right infront of him.
FInally Emily took her hand and slapped Lilly.
Joshua was about to open the door but S.Coups held him back.
Lilly stood up and slapped Emily right back in the face.
"Ahaha." Emily laughed.
"What're you laughing at?" Lilly said.
"Look." she said pointing to the window.
Joshua saw everything that happened.
"But she tricked me." Lilly whined.
Everyone was shocked by Joshua's confession..


You couldn't help but blankly stare at him.
"I'm sorry I asked." He said sitting up. You pushed him back down.
"Vernon.." you say staring at his lips while leaning in closer and cloer.
"This is how it felt when you messed with me." you didn't touch his lips.
You wanted to mess around and get him anxious like he did to you. This was payback.

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