Chapter 26

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Slowly opening your eyes you were woken up by the bright sun light. You took the blanket and wrapped yourself around it. 

"You're not going to get up?" 

You rolled over again to see who it was. "Emily?" 

"Yeah, get up." she said yanking the blanket off of you.

You rolled back into ball from the sudden coldness. "LEAVE ME ALONNEEE." 

"No, you're going to get it up. Right now, like a big girl." she said while pulling you up. 

"Whaaattt." you hung your head. "Owe, why does my head so much." 

"Probably because you drank like there was no tomorrow last night." Emily explained. 

You looked at her confused. "Why would I drink last night?" you thought to yourself. Going back into your memory you tried to remember what happened last night. 

"I'll save you the trouble of trying to remember." she interrupted. "You and Vernon were having a fight, you guys ended up breaking up and here we are." 

"Why am I at your house then?" you ask. 

"Brian took you over here. He took your phone and called me, then I told him where I lived." 

You groaned and laid back down. 
"What happened between you and Vernon." 

"Don't know, caught him kissing another girl. Victoria or whatever her face is." you said with your face in the pillow. 
"The one hot girl Seungkwang was talking about?" Emily asked. 

You nodded your head. 

"Woah, totally slut." 

You sat up and fixed your hair. "I don't know and I don't care. What time is it?" 

"It's 10 in the morning. And how could you not care? Are you serious?" 


"And school." Emily added. 

You hopped out of bed and ran around the room. 

"Calm down will you? I called the school and said you were sick, and Brian said you could come an hour or two later than usual." said Emily. 

"Really?" you flopped on the floor. "Thank god.. I'm not in the mood for anything right now." 

"Maybe because you have a major hangover and you just broke up with your boyfriend. But I'm curious about something.." 


"Who broke it off first?" she asked. 

You sighed. "He did." 

"WHAT REALLY? I thought it'd be you." 

"Why me?" 

"I don't know, you lose your temper easily." 

"Yeahhhh. I LOSE IT EASILY." you say sarcastically. 
"I know Vernon can be a hot head sometimes but I'm sure he didn't mean it." 

"If he didn't mean it then he wouldn't have said it." standing back up you walked to the bathroom and started washing your face. 

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