Chapter 10

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Emily and Woozi left because you told them too. You wanted to be alone, just to have some space. 
"If you need anything call us ok?" Woozi suggested. 

"The rest of the guys were worried about you too. We'll tell them you're doing fine." Emily said 

You were exhausted so all you did was wave and nod your head. Laying in bed you thought about what happened between you and Vernon. If everything was planned to get Joshua back then why didn't he speak up when you and Joshua were playing truth or dare? How did everything get this bad? 


"Come in." 

Joshua finally came back. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah. I still have a headache." 

He walks over and places his hand on your forehead. 

"Awe, you still have a low fever." Joshua says 

"Thanks for everything." 

"It's nothing. I'm glad you're feeling better." 

You sat up still rolled up in the blanket, you looked like you were trapped in a cocoon. Joshua started chuckling at your struggle to get up.

"You're so cute." he says

"I don't feel so cute right now." you admit.

You looked at his face and his expressions changed. It looked liked he was going to tell you something,  but you weren't sure what he wanted to say.

"Is there something on your mind?" you ask

"Listen (y/n) I have to tell you something. "

"Is it about Lilly? And how she's here to get you back."

"How'd you know?"

"Emily. " you say 

"Of course."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." he said

"It's fine. It's not your fault." you say 

"I went to talk with Vernon earlier.." Joshua admitted.

"Did he tell you everything that happened..?"

"Mhm." was all Joshua could say.

"Oh . I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth." you say.

"So what're you going to do?" he asks.

"I really don't know . I'm so confused. To the point that I just wanna cry and throw tantrums and break things." you said with tears forming in your eyes.

"If you're going to cry at least cry when I'm around. I only want you crying with me. " Joshua said putting your head on his shoulder. You guys sat for a couple of minutes in that position while you cried it out. Joshua was patting and comforting you the whole time. You hugged him holding onto his waist realizing how lucky you were to have him by your side. Always comforting you.  Maybe you should just forget about Vernon and go to Joshua. But that was something easier said than done. 
"Alright. No more crying. How about we go get some ice cream?"

"Vanilla?" you ask whipping your tears.

"You know it."

Joshua unraveled you from your cocoon. You tried standing up but your legs were numb. 

"How about I give you a piggy back ride?" 

"No it's okay .." you said shyly 

"Common! I can do it. Get on." Joshua said getting into position. 

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