Chapter 18

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"Come in, come in!" you say pulling Daniel into your house.

"Woah, your house is so cute." he says while eyeing the place.

"Thanks. Sit down, I'll get you some water and a snack." you say running into the kitchen.


"So.. who are you?" Vernon asks Daniel.

"I'm Daniel, one of (y/n)'s friends from the states." he answers.

"Ahh I see. I lived in the states too."

"Oh really? Where are you from?"

"I'm from New York." Vernon answers.



You came back with some water and a plate of fruit. "Here is the water, and some fruit." you say putting it on the coffee table.

Daniel smiled at you, "Thanks."
You sat yourself down the couch next to Vernon.

"Daniel why'd you come to Korea?" you ask.

"I'm studying abroad and I remembered before you left you told me you were going to Korea. So I thought let's go visit (y/n)!" he says.

"But how'd you find me and my address?"

"A lot of research." he says.

Vernon snickers at his answer. "Stalker." he said under his breath.

"What?" Daniel asked.

"Oh! Nothing!" Vernon said with a fake smile. "How did you guys meet?" he asks pretending to be interested.

You and Daniel looked at each other. "Do you wanna explain?" you asked Daniel.

"Sure." he says. "When I first started taekwondo (y/n) was already one of my seniors because she was a higher rank than I was. During training I remember she was supposed to spar me, being the idiot I was, since she was so small I thought she'd lose, but all of the sudden she did a spin kick and it was lights out for me."

"AHAHAHAH HOW EMBARRASSING!" Vernon said while laughing.
You gave him a "What's wrong with you?" look and he calmed down.

"Sorry.." he says remaining quiet.

"It's fine. It was pretty embarrassing if you think about it." says Daniel.
"When're you leaving?" you ask.

Daniel had to take a minute to think, "Hmm. In a week or so.."

"Aw, so short." you say.

"Let's hang out everyday then!" Daniel suggested.

Vernon gave him a "Wtf did you just say." look.

"Yes, definitely!" you.

Vernon then looked at you with a "Are you serious." face.


"Who could that be?" you say getting up.

Opening the door it was the whole group.

"Why're you guys here?"

"LETS GO TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK!" Dino says happily.

Daniel stands up to see who it was.

"Who's that cutie." Emily says looking at Daniel.

"Hi, I'm one of (y/n)'s friends from the states. My names Daniel." he says flashing a smile.

"Well, you can feel free to join too!" Emily says.

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