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It wasn't Adam's fault that Lucifer felt like crap. But Adam needed to fix it. "Luc please let me in I know your embarrassed but its okay!"

The door clicked, unlocking
"Adam, embarrassed don't even begin to cover it! Dean and Gabriel humiliated me and now you're going to break up with me"

"Nah you're stuck with me, plus we have to plot revenge.

"He literally told the whole damn school I liked being controlled. I'm so sorry you had to find out like that"

"Luc it's ok! Honest!! And honestly as long as its safe... I wouldn't say no. You have a stressful life, no wonder why you want to be taken care of."

The older teen's cheeks were a bright red "Adam we're 18."

"Yea?so? You've had to keep Cas and Gabriel in line forever"


"Mmhmm nothing wrong with this. Yea its private and I'm going to beat Dean when I get home but no one is gonna say anything. If they do then just tell them to fuck off... Trust me baby"

Lucifer shook his head "I want to so bad.."

Adam just crawled next to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him "Have I ever given you a reason not to?"


"okay then! and um.. how did Gabriel find out?"

"Fuck. uhm.... It might have been porn... Gabriel stole my phone a few days ago"

"Oh. Well he's a jackass" Adam murmured "and we're both seniors so people won't care"

"Adam, Adam, Adam.. I love you"

"Love you too"

That night when Adam went home, he was greeted by a Sheepish Dean
"Wheres mom and dad?"

"they took Sammy to some science thing.. I figured I should stay home"

"Damn right" he growled "You and Gabriel had no right to do that to Lucifer. I swear to god I will beat the hell out of you if you don't apologize to him tomorrow."

"yea.... I- look i'm really sorry but if it makes it any better-"

Adam cut him off "Nothing can make this better if you have to say it to me"

"This was the Least Gabriel would do! He wanted to do something worse but I got him down to this.. I know it doesn't excuse it but.."

"What was the other thing?"

"i dint even know but he said it was 'better' so I assumed it was worse"

"Yea, whatever... just.. apologize to Luc tomorrow okay?"



Oh god this was bad. reaallll bad. Lucifer met him at their usual spot and they walked to the pit like always
But he was almost vibrating he was shaking when he saw Dean.

As the other boy walked up and hung his head Lucifer relaxed slightly "I'm really sorry Luc... But I should warn you Gabriel has something worse. This was the lesser of two evils. Oh and Castiel punched me this earlier if that makes you feel any better"

"Not really but thank you. I suppose we cannot stop the rumor but we can change is slightly... Dean, Gabriel is an asshole... But did you know he still sleeps with a stuffed cat? I have pictures"

Dean raised his eyebrows "hmm no I didn't but I'll ask Chelsie if she knows the name of it, after all it might need a new name"

"Thanks bro" Adam chuckled, leaning into Lucifer as Dean turned around.


Classes went well, hardly anyone said anything more than a few giggles and one asshole making comments about contact sports and him always "being the first.. Down" which ended DJ with a black eye and a trip to the nurse

"Hey babe!" Adam smiled as Lucifer set his tray down next to him "how's it going?"

"Good, only one asshole said something"

"I'm glad."

Adam took a deep breath and smirked "when schools out, come to my place and we can 'hang out' up stairs"

Lucifer only rolled his eyes "I love your stupid ass, and the rest of you too"

Destiel, Sabriel, samifer.. fuck it just all of the shipsWhere stories live. Discover now