Million Dollar Smile

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*Bellas POV*

It was a gorgeous day in Huntington Beach so I decided to go grab lunch on the pier. I knew no one in California so I would have to settle for going by myself, as much as I hated the thought of that. I was a major people person. I loved having people around to talk to and hang out with. Maybe today someone else would be eating by themselves and would join me. I wasn't exactly the shy type, so I never really had trouble making friends. I just wish that I had already made some in California.

It was pretty hot out so I planned my outfit accordingly. I curled my long dark brown hair into loose ringlets and applied some mascara. I always believed that the more natural look was the one for me. When I finished with my hair and makeup I went over to my closet to find the perfect outfit, you never know when a cute guy would show up and possibly join you for lunch. I finally decided on my white colored short shorts and my peach colored tie front top. I decided on my peach colored vans and grabbed my pink aviators.

I decided to walk to the pier today since it was so gorgeous out. My parents were away on business and wouldn't be home for a week so I was on my own. I passed a cute little cafe and decided that is where I was going to eat. I walked in and my eyes immediately fell on a group of boys. These boys weren't just any boys! They were the boys of Emblem3! I tried not to stare, but it was hard. They were just all so gorgeous! Luckily a waiter came and seated me. Unfortanately for me it was the table right next to theirs.

We didn't make eye contact for the majority of lunch and I figured either they weren't interested or they thought I wasn't interested. My food had just gotten to me when Wesley walked over to my table and sat down.

"Hey I'm Wesley, But you can just call me Wes."

I told you a cute outfit would come in handy.

"I couldn't help but notice that you were here alone." Wes stated the obvious. "Mind if I join you"

Of course I wasn't going to turn him down. After all he did come talk to me, He was gorgeous, and man could that boy sing!

"Sure! But you should know that I don't share my food. With anyone! I'm Bella by the way." I said trying to be humorous but probably just making myself sound like an idiot. Thankfully he laughed and flashed me a smile that any girl would melt at the sight of.

"So I have never seen you around here before. Where are you from Bella?"

"Well my parents and I just moved here from Florida. But it's usually just me at the house because they always go on business trips."

"Florida? I have never been there but I heard it's just as beautiful as the girls that are from there" He said flashing another million dollar smile and throwing in a wink.

I couldn't help but laugh. I wasn't really sure if he was trying to flirt with me, but if he was it was a cute, but lame attempt.

After about ten minutes of talking just me and him we went over to the others and ended up talking for longer than was intended. None of us seemed to mind though. Keaton was not as shy and laid back as everyone thinks he is. Actually he was the complete opposite, yet he was totally cool. Drew was super funny and inspirational at the same time. I think I just made a group of friends.

Eventually we decided it was time to leave. We all exchanged numbers and I told them I would see them around. I smiled and waved goodbye and started heading back home. I decided then that California wouldn't be so bad after all.

*Wesleys POV*

The boys and I decided to go to our favorite cafe on the pier for lunch today. We always used to go here, but recently we haven't had the time.

We got to the cafe and sat down at out favorite table that looked out at the ocean that we were surfing in just hours before.

We ordered our food and it came out in a reasonable amount of time. Just before I started eating a girl walked into the cafe. She had long brown hair that was curled into loose ringlets. I had never seen her around before so I assumed that she wasn't from around here.

The girl got seated and luckily for me she was seated at the table right next to ours.

"Hey dude. We can see you checking her out. Why don't you go talk to her?" Drew said

Wow. was it really that obvious. She was there by herself and I hoped that she wasn't waiting on anyone. I decided to wait it out for a little just in case she was waiting for someone.

After she got her food I assumed that she was there by herself.

"Alright guys. I'm going in. Wish me luck!" I said as I quick walked over to her table and sat down. She looked up and looked a little surprised but yet a little happy.

I started talking to her. Turns out her name is Bella which means beautiful in Italian. Makes sense though. This girl is so beautiful that it hurts my eyes to look at her. Well maybe that was an exageration, but she was amazingly gorgeous.

Eventually I introduced her to Drew and Keaton, but she already seemed to know who they were. I guess she watched the X-factor. Thank God she acted like a normal girl though.

She eventually had to leave, but we exchanged numbers and said we would see each other around. I just hoped it was sooner rather than later.

She walked away and I couldn't help but watch. She must have known I was watching cause she swung her hips a little then turned around and gave me a wink. I couldn't help but laugh. This girl was perfect.

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