Beach Party and Underwater Smooches

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*Bellas POV*

I swung my hips a little as I walked out and turned around and winked at them. Who knew teasing three of the hottest boys on the planet could be so much fun?

I decided to do a little shopping since it was a nice day and I was already out here. My parents felt bad since they were always gone so my dad gave me one of  his credit cards so that I could go shopping whenever I wanted and not have to ask him for money.

I walked into the first boutique I saw. From the looks of it, it was mostly bathing suits and surfing stuff. I didn't know how to surf, but apparently it was a big deal here and plus the bikinis on the back wall were calling my name. I found three that I liked. One was a plain hott pink bikini, One was a baby blue bikini and one was a red bikini. I went to the changing rooms to try them on.

I finished trying them on and purchased all three of them. I walked out of the store and back onto the pier. I looked out onto the beach and saw Wes, Drew and Keaton goofing off on the beach. I couldn't help but smile at how goofy they were around each other.  It reminded me of how I used to act when I was with my best friends. They looked my way and I hoped they hadn't seen me looking so I looked down at my phone and pretended to not have noticed them.

Unfortantely for me, they noticed. They all smiled and waved at me and I smiled and waved back. I was hoping to leave it at that. I was still beyond shy around them and didn't want to make a fool out of myself. But just my luck they came running up to the pier to talk to me.

"Hey Bella!! Long time no see!" Drew said while the other boys finally caught up to him.

"Yeahh.. I was just, Oh, you know, doing some shopping" I replied awkwardly trying to hide all my nervousness.

"So were throwing this huge party tonight and wanted to know if you wanted to come?" Wes said flashing that smile AGAIN for like the millionth time since I met them.

"I'd love to!" I said suddenly not feeling so nervous anymore.

"Great!" They all said in unison before telling me when and where it was at then smiling and waving before walking back to the beach.

*Later that night

Turns out it was a bonfire on the beach. They told me to wear a bathing suit cause you never know what could happen. I decided to wear my new pink bikini since pink looks best on me. I then threw over my floral sundress and put on some white sandals. I grabbed my phone only to find I had six new messages. Three from Wes. One from Drew and Keaton and one from my best friend from back home Emily.


1.) -Hey Cutie! ;) can't wait to see you tonight!

2.) -Wear a bathing suit. I want to go swimming! :)

3.) -Hey gorgeous! Don't forget about the party tonight! ;)

I couldn't help but laugh at Wes. He took sounding desperate to a whole new level but I thought it was cute anyway! I quick sent him a text back.


-Thanks for all the updates! I almost forgot! ;)

I laughed at myself as I sent him the text. Then I opened Keatons, Drews and Emilys.

From: Keaton

- Hey we're all really looking foward to hanging out with you at the bonfire tonight. Can't wait!! :)

To: Keaton

-Me to!! Can't wait! See you there! :)

Drew's text basically said the same thing and I said the same thing back. Then I opened Emily's.

From: Emily!

-Hey Gurl Hey! Can't wait to come out next week!!

To: Emily!

-ME EITHER!!! See you then!!

I looked at the time. It was 7:30 and the party stated at eight. I decided to go ahead and leave now.

When I got to the beach, The first person I saw was Wesley. He smiled and ran over to me.

"Hey Bella!!!"


He looked at my outfit then smiled. He started to hug me then pulled my dress over my head and I flipped off my sandals so I was standing in my bikini. He then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"WES!!!!" I shouted. "PUT ME DOWN!" Both me and Wes were laughing hysterically. Wes ran to the water and was about to throw me in but instead dove under while still holding on to me.

*Wes's POV*

Bella thought I was going to drop her in the water. And I was going to, but then an idea came to my mind. I pulled her off my shoulder so that I was holding her bridal style. I then dove into the water while she grabbed onto me for dear life.

I opened my eyes and couldn't really see anything, but I could make out her face. I was still holding onto her waist and her arms were around my neck. I was going to kiss her but I couldn't find her lips so I kissed her on the cheek.

Damnit Wesley! why did you do that? what if she hates me now? I should have just waited! Too late now.

I pulled Bella up out of the water and looked to see what her expression was. She was smiling shyly and blushing slightly. I could tell that she didn't mind that I kissed her. After all it was only on the cheek. I leaned into her and whispered.

"You know I only did that cause I couldn't find your lips." I said with a wink before running away back to where the guys were standing, leaving her there to process what just happened.

I looked back at her when I reached the guys. She just stood there smiling at me. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was making me want her. And believe me, It was working. I wanted her. BAD!

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