Not on My Watch

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*Bella's POV*

Wes is going on tour. I don't know why that saddened me. It's not like I didn't already know. Laraine told me three days ago. Just for some reason when he said it, it made it seem more real. But I just smiled.

"Of Course I know that. I also know that your leaving in two weeks." I saw Wes's confused look and started laughing. "Wes, your mom told me three days ago. She thought you were going to be to upset to do it. That's why I didn't want to go surfing with you. I wanted you have some surfing time with your bandmates before you leave. After all you won't get to do it much on tour."

I looked up at Wes. He looking down into my eyes and smiling that killer smiler. Man the things this boy does to me. He gently pulled my face up to his and connected our lips together. It only took a matter of seconds before his tongue was begging for entrance and we were in a full makeout session on the beach. I heard Drew start laughing and me and Wes broke apart and turned to them. We saw Keatons face turn bright red. "You guys know how I feel about making out in front of me! It makes me feel awkward!" Wes smirked at Keaton. "Well in that case.." Wes pulled my face back to his and we were making out again.

*Wesley's POV*

I was smiling so much that you could probably see it from a mile away. What can I say? Bella totally gets me.

After hanging out on the beach for a little while longer, we all decided to go to the pier and get something to eat.

I could tell Bella was trying really hard to be herself, but we all knew that she wasn't. I wanted more than anything to tell Bella that she could come on tour with us, but I just couldn't. For starters, management is a pain. No way they would let us take a girl on tour. Were not even supposed to make our relationships public due to the fact that teen girls might like us less if we're taken. Also, Bella starts school in a month and a half. I can't be the reason she doesn't meet new people and make new friends.

I was so in thought that I didn't even realize that we had stopped at a restaraunt, sat down and were ordering our food.

"Wes. Wes. WES. WESLEY!!!" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Keaton yelling my name letting me know it was my turn to order. "Uhhh I will have the chicken wrap please." The waiter smiled and took our menus. His eyes lingered over Bella a second to long. Before I could do anything, He looked at me and saw my face and walked away.

Apparently everyone else saw my face to. "Dude your face is so red. Why are you so worked up?" Drew and Keaton asked while staring at me like I had just beat a guy.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I retort back. Even though I was far from fine. Thankfully, everyone dropped the subject.

*Bellas POV*

I wish I was good at acting. I wouldn't have to try very hard at faking my feelings. It would just come naturally. Wes and the boys would never be able to tell. Unfortanately, I wasn't so lucky. Wes just kept looking at me with sad eyes like he could read my mind. Drew finally noticed something was up.

"Erm.. excuse me for a second. Uhh Bella you should come with me." I looked around the table confused, but eventually got up and walked away with Drew.

"What the hell Drew?!" I snapped. I immediately regreted it. Drew was taken aback.

"Ermm.. I'm sorry it's just everyone knows that your not actually happy and you're just faking. Wes is just all around being sad not even trying to hide his feelings. I miss the two of you before we told you we were leaving. I just want those to amazingly awesome people back."

"Drew you don't understand. The only friends I have here are leaving to go on tour for two months. I have to start at a new school and you guys won't even be here to help me through it. I know it's not your fault and it's your job I just wish that it was later after I met new people and made new friends. I just don't want to be alone."

"Bella, You're not going to be alone. Not on my watch"

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