Just a Kiss On the Lips in The Moonlight

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*Wes's POV*

I was sitting around the fire with all the guys and some other people that showed up. I was looking for Bella, but I couldn't find her anywhere.  We were all jamming and singing our songs and having an amazing time but I still couldn't help but wonder if Bella had left. Was she not having fun? Was she upset about the kiss?

Then I saw her. She was sitting down by the water and talking with my sister Brooke. So she hadn't left!

I excused myself from the jam session to go down and join their conversation. As soon as I got down to them I flashed Brooke a look as to say please leave us alone. I was hoping she saw it and luckily for me she nodded her head, stood up, said goodbye to Bella and walked away.

"Hey" I said


"Listen. About earlier, I'm sorry."

"NOO! It's totally okay. I mean I liked it! You deffinitly made me feel special and wanted and maybe it will last maybe it won't or may-"

I cut her off by gently pressing my lips to hers. She was a little taken aback at first, but soon kissed back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her onto my lap.

We both pulled back from the kiss to catch out breath. I looked up into her eyes and immediately regretted it. I got so lost in them. They were gorgeous! They were a mix of dark and light brown. The things this girl does to me.

She looked into my eyes and we just sat there looking into each others eyes.

*Bella's POV*

I was sitting down by the water talking to Wes's sister Brooke. Wes came down and looked at Brooke. She got up said bye and went up to the fire with everyone else. Wes sat down and started talking to me about earlier. He apologized about the kiss earlier and I told him it was no problem.

I guess I started rambling on though cause before I knew it his lips were connected to mine and he was pulling me onto his lap.

When we finally broke apart I caught him staring at me right into my eyes. And then I got lost into his eyes.

After our eyes broke apart we layed on our backs on the sand and just talked.

"Lets play a game." Wes said. "I'll ask you a question and you have to answer it 100% honestly, Then you can do the same to me."

"Deal. You start."

"Okay. Hmmm.. what was your first impression of me?"

"Well I first saw you at your audition on the X-Factor and to be honest I thought you all were Douches. BUT, then I continued to watch you guys from week to week and I gradually fell in love with you guys! And there you have it." I said with a laugh. Wes laughed to.

"Okay. Fair enough! Your turn!"

"Okay. Why, out of every girl you could have, why did you choose me? Why did you choose to get to know me more instead of any other of your fans?"

"Well at first, I thought you were gorgeous so I was going to introduce myself. I didn't think you knew who I was since you didn't seem to take notice to us. Then we started talking and I realized that out of every girl I have ever met you were the most realest girl that I have ever talked to. you were just so open and you were yourself."

I smiled. That was the nicest thing a world famous boy from a world famous band has ever said to me. Who am I kidding. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

We both looked up to look at the stars, but I think the moon was what took our breath away. We then looked back at each other and he wrapped his arms around my waist, while I wrapped mine around his neck and shared the best kiss I have ever had.

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