Surfs Up, Before It All Falls Down

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*Wes's POV*

The next few weeks were amazing. Bella and I did everything together. I can't remember a time in the last 3 weeks that we weren't with each other. Bella met my parents and my mom absolutely gushed over how perfect she was. I can't really blame her, She is used to me bringing home slutty girls for a hookup and nothing more. I guess she could tell by the way bella looked and acted that this was more than just that. This was real. What me and Bella had was real. I loved her with all my heart.

Bella was trying to enjoy her summer as much as possible. It is kind of hard to do when your only friends here are a group of three guys. She spends a lot of time with my mom and my sister, but other than that she doesn't really have any girl friends. I guess that will all change when she starts school in the fall. I feel bad that her parents are never there so she is always over at my house. No one really seems to mind though. Everyone has made her feel as if she were part of the family. There have been times where Bella has slept over. Not because I wanted to hook up, but because we were always having to much fun to take her home.

"So we're all going surfing today. They water is amazing!" Keaton says as he lazily wanders into the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast. "I know! Drew went out earlier and came back and was just amazed that I wasn't already out there!" I say while shoving a spoonfull of Lucky Charms into my mouth. I look over at Bella who is staring down at her cereal. She hasn't said a word since Keaton mentioned going surfing. I hope she doesn't think that I would Ditch her just to go surfing. "Are you going to come Bella?" Keaton asked while pouring himself a large bowl of Lucky Charms. "Well I wouldn't want to intrude and welll... I don't actually know how to surf." Bella retorts. I guess I should have saw that coming. She is from the east coast.

We finally convince Bella to come. We let her borrow one of our sisters boards and she seems to love it. I'm actually glad she came with us. Otherwise it would have meant a boring lunch and chat with my mom for her, which I'm not actually sure she minded considering she never really has motherly talks with her mom.

We finally get to the beach and Keaton and Drew are right. The water is amazing. Drew, Keaton and I surf for a while until we realize that Bella still hasn't gotten in the water. We look out onto the beach and notice she is just sitting in the sand.

"BELLA!" Keaton calls out to her. She lifts her head toward us with a questioning look on her face. "The water is amazing! What are you still doing in the sand?!" She just shrugs off the question like it's no big deal. I wasn't going to let my girlfriend sit out on all the fun. I knew what I had to do.

*Bellas POV*

I watched as the boys ran down to the waves with their boards. I watched as they went into the water and found that perfect wave and watched as they rode it in. I knew what it felt like. It's that adrenaline rush you get when you do something you love. I didn't want to ruin their day so I just stayed on the beach. They didn't seem to notice and I was totally okay with that. Wes and I have spent almost every day together and to be honest I think his bros miss him.

"BELLA!" I look up from where I was digging in the sand. I see Keaton Yelling to me telling me that the water was amazing. I just shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Truth be told, I didn't really want them to see how terrible of a surfer I was.

Before I could even react Wes was running up to me and lifting me over his shoulder. I started screaming and laughing and flailing my legs. I knew what he was gonna do. He was going to throw me into the water. But hey, I'm a flirt, So I decide to play along with the whole flirty act.

We finally got down to the waves and Wes threw me in then dove in after me. He grabbed onto my hips under water and pulled us up to the surface. Wes pulled me closer and crashed his lips onto mine. Within a matter of seconds we were in a full makeout session. I could hear the whoops and hollers from Keaton and Drew. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. We finally broke apart So Wes could Talk. "I told you you were missing out on all the fun."

*Wes's POV*

After we got Bella in the water we all decided to take a break from surfing. We were all just hanging out in the water enjoying ourselves. It was like there wasn't a care in the world, and at the moment there wasn't. Except that I had to eventually tell Bella that we were leaving for tour in 2 weeks. 2 weeks. 14 days. 14 days left with Bella for the next two months. I didn't want to tell her. I didn't really know how she would take it. After all she didn't really know anyone else in Hunington and her parents are never there.

I guess Drew knew what I was thinking about. He just looked at me with a sad face. None of us really wanted to leave her. This summer has been the most amazing summer with her. To Drew, Bella was like a younger sister. He was always trying to protect her in any way her could. To Keaton, Bella was like one of those girls that you become close friends with because they are just that awesome. But to me, Bella was more than just a best friend. She was my everything. It was breaking my heart just thinking about leaving her for that long. By the time we get back she will be busy with a new school and I will be busy with a new album. We won't see each other as much. Not that that is going to ruin our relationship. If anything it will make it stronger. I had to tell her soon. So the next to weeks could be amazing.

"So...Uhm.. Hey Bella I think we should talk about something." In that moment I saw her face go from no worry in the world to every worry in the world. We all walked back to our towels to talk. I pulled her into my lap and I felt her relax just the slightest bit. "So you know that we just released our debut album, which means a tour." I looked into her eyes. I saw sadness. What did I just do.

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