Night 3

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We returned to the tour bus after one of our best shows in a long time. The chair girl was hilariously adorable and one die-hard fan from the audience even found their way past security to try and get to the band face-to-face. Her face was riddled with tears of joy. 2cute4me. Not to mention the intensity that the improvisations had to offer.

10:30AM. PTX arrive on the bus early. Avi and Kevin weren't feeling 100%. I knew it. I knew they would get infected, too. My life is over. I might die for real tonight. I try not to show any of my current emotions, as I take care of these two. How would I refuse? I'm too nice to do that. Avi and Kevin head to bed and fall asleep pretty quickly. Everyone else heads to bed as well shortly after. I step outside for some last-minute fresh air before heading back in for another round.

12AM. The phone rings. Here goes nothing.

[[Message 4]] "Hello. Hello hello. Hey, Esther. Night 3. That was one wild show tonight, wasn't it? Anyway, Kirstie's feeling a little bit better, so that's pretty good. Uh, Scott and Mitch aren't kicking around as much; that's another sign of improvement.

Avi's been getting up pretty frequently though, so I'm guessing you'll especially keep an eye out for him. Kevin is also kicking around as well. It's difficult being Meat and Potatoes, you know? Yeah, Kevin is one of my favourites. Sure, your brother has the vocal range. Plus, I can even admit some jealously from him and how influential he is towards the music industry, but he's highly overrated, you know? And besides, women love him, like, they uh-uh *sexual* LOVE him. But Kevin though, he's quite a mad genius. You might need both blankets for him, I'm just saying.

I also have an update on those sleeping pills. They were just the consequential result of not reading the measurements properly before mixing ingredients together. Just an honest mistake, but with the lies that everyone else spread across each other, no one will ever give a straight-up yes-or-no answer anymore. It's like they don't want us to know the truth, right? I don't know. Anyway, good night."

Well, excuuuuuuse me! One does not simply talk shit about my brother like THAT and not have it come full circle around him/her. Other than that, I totally understand [Y/N] in regards to this new controversy over those pills.

I get right to work. Avi and Scott are gone right off the bat. Breath, Esther. You got this. You got this under control. Avi shouldn't be that scary; he's your brother for fuck sakes. Scott in front of me, one blanket, done. Music box. Cameras. Mitch and Kirstie are gone. Kirstie is on route. Music box... oh there she is! Two blankets. Frig, the second one was late... oh, it worked anyway. Okay. So I can be a bit late on the second blanket, but if I'm late on the first one, I'm fucked. Alright, I'm getting this now.

Wait. What's this I hear? It sounds like... overtones. Shit, Avi must be nearly already. Come on, come one, you better not... Nope, he's in the bathroom. He must be planning something mischievous or, in this case, murderous. I have no idea what Avi is capable of while under some sleep walking death trance. I don't think I want to know, but I have a feeling that I would soon find out.

Mitch is here, one blanket, done. Music box. Cameras. Avi is in the hall, Avi is in the hall, Avi is IN the FREAKING hall! Music box. No one yet. Music box. Scott, one blanket done. Music box. Cameras. 4AM. Can't find Avi, this is not good. Music box. Wait, is that Kevin in the back room? Kevin is out?! Shit. Everyone is up. This could only go badly for me. Kirstie all of the sudden, two blankets on time, done. Music box. Cameras.

Someone forces my camera down. "NO!! AVRIEL!!" I scream loudly, as I am very late to put the first blanket up, or at least I hoped it was a blanket. Yeah, it was the blanket. I couldn't believe my eyes. Avi looked like he had no eyes in his sockets. Worst still, his body was partially ripped open and I felt some wind out of nowhere from what looked like mutated dragon wings coming out of him.

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