Night 6

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[["If you are going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill]]

We arrive in Arlington, Texas, to the sights and sounds of traffic. ...Gridlock. Gridlock everywhere. I go to Twitter to thank all of our followers for one jam-packed final show yesterday. Seriously though, that night in particular was amazing! I couldn't have though of a better way to end the night with two unsuspecting encores: Daft Punk and Wizard Of Aahs.

And yet, with all the post-tour celebration to get to, many questions still stick in my mind. 'Why did I have to survive five nights against the mutations that took over my friends?', 'How are the proportions of these mutations accurate?', 'Did those five nights really happen?', 'Am I actually dead?', and (more importantly) "How did any of those nights make sense?'. I mean, Kevin went to Yale. Fucking YALE University!! ...Oh well. I think way too hard anyway. I really need to calm down.

Nonetheless, we are all so excited to get back home and sleep our worries away, but I'm really worried about [Y/N] finding us and giving me the antidote to those damn pills. I am seated in the same seat that confined me to the literal hell before me. Avi sits next to me. He is not looking so good, nor is anyone else on this bus.

"Hey. Is something wrong?" Avi asks me. "No" I reply. "Just pissed off at all the traffic. You know." "Ah, I see." he comments. "The tour was a nightmare after that incident." I tell Avi. "I really hope our hiatus doesn't end up like that." "Don't worry, Esther," he says in a suspicious tone, as he stands up to stretch. "It will all be over soon." Avi heads to bed. I wonder what he meant by that.

We wait for the traffic to clear up outside of Walmart. The band was sleeping. I wait for [Y/N] to arrive and give me the antidote. 11AM. Everyone else is in bed. I stay awake and wait inside the bus, as it's way too cold and boring outside tonight to wait alone. 12AM. Traffic is still here and still no sign of [Y/N] yet. Then my phone rings. It's [Y/N]. He's/She's probably just checking in on me.

[[Message 7]] "Hey. Esther. Uh, bad news. The traffic here has stopped to a standstill, which means you're stuck on that bus for another night, or at least until we find something to get you all out of there with. Uh, for now, just get through one more night, okay? If I can't get to you by morning, we'll have to call the fire department to get all of you out of there, which won't be good for our finances. But anyways, hang in there, and get through the night, okay? Okay, good night."

...Are you fucking kidding me? ...I though I was done with this nightmare. ...I can't even get out of my seat. Why why why why WHY?! I don't want to. I really don't wanna'! It's FIVE Nights At Esther's, not SIX!! Please! I don't want to do this!! Someone! Anyone! Please! Get me out of here! ...*sigh* Well, shit. I guess I have to now. ...Fuck my life.

And why the fire department?! Is it that bad? Hell, I don't even know. I'm probably breaking the bounds of time once again. I really thought that last night WAS the last night. I really felt like I was free from this crap. Did I have to do it all over again? Did I miss a step halfway through those five horrible nights? Am I truly trapped here forever?! I don't know. I really need to find out, though. But first, beating Night 6.

1AM. Music box. Kirstie, two blankets, done. Music box. Scott, one blanket, done. Why did I stay here for another night anyway? Honestly, I wonder if I should've stepped outside a few minutes before midnight, so that I could bypass that night and just sleep right after it passed or something. But then again, I tried that last night and I ended up stopping time for a few 'minutes'. I'm not very good with being alone for long periods of time.

Mitch, one blanket and done. Music box. Cameras. Well, there goes the rhythm I have developed for this trap. Kirstie taking a selfie in the bathroom. Music box. No one. Music box. Avi's eyeless sockets staring at me in the main hall. This is still very frightening for me. I seriously hope this will all end, as Avi foretold me. I still wonder what he meant by the end being 'soon'.

2AM. Kevin, one blanket, done. Oh, hi, Wyatt. Music box. Wyatt disappears. No one. Music box. I swear, this music box winds down faster and faster with each night. It's like Beyonce could kill me, even though I didn't let it run out once this evening. What a sick and twisted way to make me more humble, but thank fuck that's not the case though. Mitch, one blanket, done. Music box. Scott, one blanket, done.

Music box. Cameras. Why did I just flip through other cameras? I need all the time to wind that music box. Great, now my pattern is all screwed up. I'm probably going to die numerous time and no one will know about it. I do find Kevin in the main hall though. This dude is fucking jacked. I can even see the muscles in his arms. Music box. There he is. Two blankets and done.

4AM. I accidentally flip through the cameras again. I'm still shaking over the fact that I have to stay up for an extra night. Whoa, what was that? There's something red on the bathroom mirror. I wind the music box again, then quickly flip back to see what it was. It was a message written in lipstick, presumably Kirstie's. It read... "soon". ...Soon? What do you mean "soon"? Soon what? No time to ask questions now. Avi is in front of me. One blanket and done.

And now the warning symbol for the music box is going off. Everything is falling apart on me. I try to wind it up to full, but Mitch forces my iPad down and I hide under one blanket. All good. Music box, back to full and no warning symbol. No one, but my third encounter with Wyatt. Still creepy, might I add. Music box. Avi, Wyatt disappears, one blanket, done. Music box. Kevin, two blankets, done.

5:30AM. So close. So FUCKING close to the end. I can feel the end approaching quicker than it actually was. It's almost like I know I've already beaten this night. I haven't been paying much attention to the time, because of the fear of completely loosing my train of thought and completely fucking everything up. Kirstie is in front of me now. Two blankets and done. Scott is lingering nearby. I wind the music box one last time, as the alarm goes off in the distance.

YES! IT'S 6AM!! IT'S FINALLY OVER! NOW I can get some sleep. NOW the nightmare is over. No more lies, no more jumpscares, no more time travelling, no more... Wait, why does Kirstie still have all of those teeth? And why does Scott still look anorexic? No no no no no. It's 6AM! I should be done with this shit! I can get out of my seat though, AND the sun is starting to come up. What is going on?

Now they're all coming towards me. What did I need to do to win? What did I do wrong?! I don't understand. This shouldn't be happening! Now all five 'monsters' are in front of me, staring at me, ready to kill me like a pack of wild dogs. I can hear the fucking Single Ladies jingle in the back room getting louder and louder as well. NO! I LOST!! ...My life is over. "Don't worry,... Esther." 'Avi' growled. "It will all be over... soon.". ...Kevin is about to jump at me. Beyonce lingers behind him before she and Kevin simultaneously let out their jumpscares. ...I brace for the end. ...

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