Bad Ending

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Out of nowhere, I hear a loud smash, as the windshield smashed into pieces. It's [Y/N]!! About fucking time! The Arlington Police and Fire Department are here, too. Now I see why it was necessary. The gang scurried back to their beds, as if they know they're going to get caught. "Oh no, you don't!". I yell and grab Mitch's shirt, thinking that would do something, but his shirt rips and he manages to slip away.

[Y/N] comes towards me. ...Okay, what just happened? ...I have no words right now. "Come on, Ester!" [Y/N] commands me. "Let's go." I'm too shaken up to function on my own at the moment, but what I really wanted to do was tell him off for forcing me through six nights of torture. Not five, SIX! "Come on!" [Y/N] yells at me, then drags me off the bus and he/she carries me to the outer end of the parking lot. My hero. Maybe he's/she's NOT the man/woman behind this madness.

I try to say something, anything, to thank [Y/N] for saving me. He/She gives me an indication to stay where I am, so there's no time to do so. What I witness next is truly heart-breaking. Every. Single. Member. Of Pentatonix. Unconscious, being carried off the bus and into individual ambulances. I can't watch for very long. I hear footsteps approach me. "Let's go home." [Y/N] whispers to me, knowing that I am still shaking from this experience. He/She carries me to his/her vehicle, as I fall asleep in his/her arms.

I wake up in what appeared to be a waiting room. Am I at a hospital? I think so. Didn't I hear [Y/N] say he/she was going to take me home? This week is a lot more confusing and frustrating than I thought. "Okay, Esther. They're ready for you." A nurse informs me. Who's 'they'? I get up and follow her around the building. I knew right away that this was the USMD Hospital; it was a very big hospital. I was a lot calmer now, so I didn't care too much about the distance.

I check my phone to see what time it was. 4PM. Wow, I slept. I actually got some sleep! Cool. "Almost there." The nurse says, as we walk across this catwalk and the first thing we saw was TV trucks and what appeared to be some paparazzi-type crowd surrounding the building. They are just as clueless as I am right now. "And here we are." The nurse leaves the door open, then goes elsewhere, presumably to give me some privacy.

And there they were. My own best friends in five separate hospital beds, all crammed into one room, and hooked up to some medical equipment of some kind. I should be heart-broken, but at the same time, I knew they would be okay. I knew that this madness was over. I knew, we would be on our way home. They are all awake, so I get flooded with lots of soft-ish 'hi's and 'hello's. I shut the door and quickly analyze the physical aftermath.

Kirstie's mouth was stuffed with appeared to be paper towel and tissue paper and stuff. She had the hardest time speaking at the moment. Scott was just sore everywhere. Scrapes and bruises are easily visible all throughout his skin. Mitch had one large stitch across his fragile face and some of his fingers were covered in blisters. Some of them even looked a little infected. He was also still wearing the same shirt that I ripped while trying to not let him escape.

Kevin's left arm was in a cast and there were multiple bandages and stitches throughout his body. I could tell that he was just sore everywhere. Avi had a heavy-duty bandage on his right eye. Surprisingly enough, he was not as physically effected by this traumatic experience. But aside from all of the physical injuries, they all felt alive and well. In fact, Avi was already well enough to get out of his bed for a bit. He gets up and he does not look happy.

"Okay, what is going on?" Avi says with a strict tone in his voice. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I think we all know that you know the truth by now. Why are we in the hospital?" Avi commanded. Now I'm really not prepared to tell him everything. He won't believe me. My relationship with my own blood brother and our closest friends was on the line. I try and think of something to say quickly, but then I hear someone running behind me.

"Hey, you two." said a pleased and familiar voice. It was [Y/N]. I wanted to destroy him/her for what he/she did to my friends, but all I could do was hug him/her and be gracious on the inside that it was over. "Okay okay, let's get back into the room. The paps have already broken in." [Y/N] cut off my mini-celebration and he/she quietly shut the door behind us. Avi heads back into his bed. I take a big breath and I tell the gang everything, with [Y/N] patrolling the door and window.

"...and then that's when the fire department pulled you guys out and... well, here we are." I finish telling my side of the story after ten to twenty minutes or so of undesired recapitulation. After a few painful seconds of silence, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" was the first thing that came out of Scott's mouth. "Well, she WAS fearful of her life." Kevin counter-argued. "I hope you're still alright." I think that's what Kirstie said.

... 'Alright'? ALRIGHT?! After last week's hellhole? I just... you know what? Whatever. The living nightmare is over. I don't care anymore. There's no point in getting angry. It's not like they were aware of it or anything. Or were they? Hold on. ...No, I don't care. "Uh, well, as long as everyone is alive and well. Anything for you guys." I respond, hopeful of a very calm, eventful and non-life-threatening hiatus.

"We should take a selfie together. You know, to insure to our fans that we're okay." Mitch offers [[because fanfiction]]. "Come join us, [Y/N]." "Absolutely. I'll stand next to [your favourite PTX member]" said [Y/N]. "Just give me a sec." He/She checks the door and window one again, and then we all lean in as far as we could for a celebratory selfie. Then we hear a large crowd in the distance. [Y/N] goes right back on the hunt. The paps must've broke into this corridor of the hospital.

"Where are you of to now?" I ask [Y/N]. "I think that's the paparazzi." [Y/N] informs us. "I'll have to go and deal with them. You'll be safe in here. Do you guys want anything?" "No, we're fine, I think." I speak on our behalf. "Just be careful, okay?" "Okay. Have fun." he/she joked. "I will." I continue the sarcasm. [Y/N] walks out of our room to deal with the paparazzi, as I sit next to my brother and read the latest online newspaper report on my iPad.


PTX Hospitalized!

Well-renowned a-capella group Pentatonix were saved by the local police and fire department.

PTX have been trapped in their tour bus at a Walmart parking lot for two days straight, just after finishing their End Of Time tour.

Everyone inside the bus have been sent to the hospital for classified reasons, but the injuries are minor and everyone inside will make a full recovery within the next few days.


[[Thank you everyone for reading this super-long fanficiton. I'm currently working on a prequel, possibly surrounding the fictional stage incident that I keep mentioning throughout this reading. If you have any ideas in regards to what or who exactly I should put in this upcoming fanfic, please let me know in the comments below. All of your input is very much appreciated. Thanks!]]


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