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It's late. Time is inching closer to 1:30 as you and Dave sit on the floor of his living room lazily watching movies. You've made it through a good chunk of the Cornetto trilogy and you are both determined to make it to the end. "To the world's end," you think, allowing yourself a breathy chuckle.

You take one last bite of your now cold pizza and toss it back into the box sitting before you both. It's at this that Dave lolls his head in your direction, shades ever present on his face, and asks you simply: "Wanna smoke?"

You raise your eyebrows at his suggestion, not even aware that he had weed to being with. You've never really smoked before, unless that curious drag you took from your dad's forgotten pipe when you were six counts. You don't think it does. It's not even the same thing.

Dave is still starting at you, elbows propped up against the cushions of the couch, and you shake yourself from your tired thoughts. "Uh, sure," is all you say, and it's enough apparently as he hops up and saunters down the hallway towards his room. You stay firmly put on the scratchy carpet and wait for him to return. There's some fumbling around in his room that you can hear; drawers opening and closing, a bit of clinking, then he's walking back into the living room, reclaiming his seat next to you and setting his belongings out in front of you both.

There isn't much to look at. A small, red lighter, a little zip lock bag, and his bowl. It's averagely sized and like most of his belongings, colored red with some orange specks. He starts digging around in the bag without hesitation, and you watch with interest as his nimble fingers carefully fill the bowl. Once he's satisfied, he raises the glass object between the both of you. "Okay, I'll do it first, just watch me." You shift all focus to his hands, watch the way they move with practiced ease, how his thin lips wrap around the mouthpiece, and how his chest rises as he lights the weed and breathes deeply. It glows as it burns, and once he's satisfied he pulls his hands down to his lap. He exhales after a few moments, and you watch as the smoke rolls up towards the ceiling.

"Okay, your turn," he says, inching closer to you. You slide closer as well, and your shoulder brushes up against his own as he hands over the pipe. You hold it curiously in your hands, turning it around a bit as he explains to you what to do. "Just hold it in for as long as you can. Take the extra breath, it helps to push it down," he says, lighting the weed for you as you take your first hit.

You think you're doing it right. There's definitely a burn and you can feel it in your throat. After a few moments you exhale, but nothing comes out. "You gotta feel it," Dave thumps his hand against his chest, "in here. C'mon, try again." He lines up the lighter with your hands and lights when you're ready. You sit up straighter, feeling it as the burn scratches deep down your throat and it takes a lot of self control not to sputter. It doesn't do much good though, and you can see the smoke drifting out from your nostrils as you clap your hand over your mouth, trying to hold it in.

Dave is already taking another hit while you cough out the rest of the smoke. Once he's satisfied, his hand comes up to rub at your back. "Theeeere you go," he smiles as you sputter a little more. You reach towards one of your cans of soda and take a large swig. The sting of the soda doesn't exactly help but the liquid is enough to calm you down. "You feeling anything?"

"I'm not even sure what it is I'm supposed to be feeling exactly," you reply, wiping at your lip and turning back to face him. He shrugs, limbs loose as he goes to take another hit. "How many times am I supposed to do this?" you ask, and he shrugs again.

"Different for everyone, also depends on the shit you have. Three is my average. Don't know about you though. But don't worry, I'm determined."

You take another hit, and he's smiling lazily as he lights for you again. It still burns but you're able to hold it in better this time, and go a good 10 seconds before you're exhaling the smoke into the room. Dave starts giggling beside you.

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