Magic Man

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My parents were out for the day again, which made everything on my list completely easier. I was planning on getting a lot done today, and I didn't need them around to ask questions about how I've suddenly transformed into something I'm not. All morning, it had been me and Bert in my garage setting things up and getting ready for my big day. He continuously asked me why we were doing all this, but I had told him it was just personal and not to worry about it. Bert's a decent guy, so he didn't pass judgement or ask too many questions. I wasn't about to tell him that I was setting all of this up for my neighbor who I want to take up the ass.

By the time we were done preparing me, it was about nine in the morning. Bert left and I promised him to come back tomorrow for his borrowed things and he politely agreed. Thus, beginning my afternoon.


The sun was hot against both the pavement and myself. Few clouds loomed the sky and children ran through the streets playing ball and tag. My white v neck shirt clung to my torso with sweat while the pants I wore clung to my body as tight as possible because they were made that way, not because of the sweat.

Mr. Way was his backyard painting a little bit, so I knew he hadn't seen me yet. But it was just a matter of time. I figured, if I made enough noise eventually he would come out near my garage and see what I was doing. After a few minutes of standing there and just basically waiting for him like a child, I decided to turn on some music. I quickly found my fathers old boom box in the garage and flipped it on, inserting Joan Jett's 'I Hate Myself for Loving You' cassette. The music boomed and if Mr. Way didn't come up front, I swear I would loose it.

As I had guessed, It only took a few seconds before Mr. Way came walking up from his backyard and to the front of my garage. I pretended not to notice, of corse, and went back to what I had been previously working on. My back was to him as I worked on changing the tire to Bert's motorcycle.

That's a two in one deal.

19: Change a car tire. Well, this was close enough. Check.

20: Ride a motorcycle. Well, Bert had showed me how earlier. Now I just needed to foot on front of Gerard so, almost.

"What the hell is that?"

I turned around, stopping my movements and smirking when I saw Mr. Way standing there with his hands on his hips and paint drying to his shirt. I could see his eyes look up and down me for a second, and I knew I did good.

"Huh? Oh! It's a motorcycle." I decided to play dumb. "I'm actually, almost done. Hold on." I turned around and finished fixing the tire in place. Honestly, Bert had done most of the work earlier when we both changed the tire. Thankfully he was kind enough to show me and I knew I owed him. Right now, everything was all worth it just to see Mr. Way's face. I stood up and grabbed the rag I had earlier, wiping the tire down and wiping my hands. I turned back around.

"Your not seriously riding that, are you?" He crossed his arms and walked over to me and the vehicle, examining it.

"That's what it's here for." I grinned. He looked down at me, trying to keep his eye son my face. I knew he was struggling. My white shirt was currently see through and I knew he was trying to keep his eyes from the doves I had gotten on my hips the summer I got out of highschool.

"Do you know how dangerous that is? It was on that list wasn't it?" Gerard was shaking his head and looking down at the bike like it was his mortal enemy.

"Are you worried about me?" I chuckled. I slowly walked to the other side and casually grabbed the knife along with its sharpener. I leaned my body up against the garage wall and began to casually sharpen while we spoke. He gave me a questioning look and watched as I guided the blade over the sharpening steel.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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