Nine || Assassinations

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Narrator's POV

Raelynn walked alongside Anakin and Padmé as they ventured down a stone street in the city of Kaadara, a beautiful oceanside city known for its outdoor cafe's and leisurely way of life. It was a peaceful evening on Naboo, something the three of them decided would be fun to do as one of their last days on Naboo.

To take in the scenery, their walk had so far been relatively quiet, but as Padmé and Anakin both knew, Raelynn didn't like silence very much.

She pulls her hair to the side as it blows casually in the wind, making a face at it as it blows in her way. Anakin and Padmé share a laugh at her reaction as she goes, "There we go. Now we got some talking in here, right?"

Padmé chuckles under her breath. "I'm glad you see it that way," she says softly, kicking a stone in her path. She glances up at the beautiful reflection of Naboo's sun on the water. "Normally the silence in Kaadara is almost... comforting."

"I would know," laughs Raelynn, her voice quieting as she gazes off at the water as well, "I grew up here too."

Anakin looks over at Raelynn as they walk and cracks a smile. He forces himself to turn back to where they were both lost; out in the water. His gaze focused upon the reflection, a warm color that radiated onto them this evening. It truly was beautiful. "It's different being here than back home," Anakin mutters, his voice warmed by the scenery intake.

Raelynn smirks. "Yeah, I get it. Two suns though, I mean, how cool?"

Anakin shakes his head with a chuckle. "Double the heat."

Raelynn laughs and looks over to Padmé beside her. "We're kinda lucky we grew up here after all."

"You're unlucky you had to leave so soon. I'm fortunate I got to stay here in reign until I was dethroned to Senator on Coruscant," Padmé murmurs disappointedly.

Raelynn groans, "I would hate being a senator. What's it like, anyway? Difficult?"

Padmé shakes her head. "Occasionally," her sweet voice chirps, "But most of the time it's... overwhelming. It feels like we have the entire galaxy in our hands and we can't decide what to do with it."

"I've never liked politicians," Anakin speaks up. "I mean, I like one or two of them, but..."

"And who would that be?" Padmé asks him with a chuckle.

He replies under his breath as they continue down the stone walkway, "Chancellor Palpatine. You, I'm not so sure about."

Padmé retorts with a laugh, but Raelynn stays silent until she feels she has to speak to break the awkward silence while edging on the topic of conversation. "You actually like Palpatine? He seems off to me," she scoffs, kicking a stone similarly to the way Padmé was earlier.

"I think he knows how to make the system work, but nobody gives him a chance to express it," Anakin comments.

"You don't feel the system works?" Padmé asks shockingly, looking up at him.

He shakes his head.

"How would you have it work?" She persists, practically tugging on his heels for an answer.

Anakin thinks about this for a moment, and finally puts his finger on it. "We need a system where the politicians sit down, and discuss the problem. Agree what's in the best interest of all the people... and then do it."

Padmé looks at him disappointedly. "That's exactly what we do," she notes. "The - the trouble is, the people don't always agree."

Anakin's gaze hardens oddly. "Well then they should be made to."

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