Five || Clear Waters

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Narrator's POV

"Raelynn!" calls Anakin from the stone house, situated upon one of the glorious lakes of Naboo.

He circles around the stone staircase and jogs into a sprint across the stone ground until he reaches a wooden staircase, barreling down it and reaching the dock, out of breath.

Raelynn stood at the end of the dock, untying a wooden boat and grabbing nearby oars. At the sound of his alarmed tone, she turns around.

"Anakin? What are you doing?"

He leans over with his hands on his knees, panting rapidly. "I... I came to... take the boat out... with you..." he breathes, glancing up at her.

She laughs. "I don't think so."

He stops his frantic breathing and straightens his posture, his back cracking in the process which causes him to wince. "Why not? It would be nice, being on the lake with you."

"I bet, but the whole idea of my taking a boat out was to be alone," she points out, turning to him with a smirk. He looks at her shyly, but she turns around and continues untying the boat. "But don't worry, I'll see you when I get back. I'll be quick."

He steps towards her, his heavy boots clanking against the wooden dock as he does so. "Are you just going to forget about it?" he says in a soft tone, staring at her gently.

She stops and glances up at him. "Forget what?"

He sighs pathetically. "The kiss..." Anakin turns away from her and stares back at Padmé's stone house above the dock. "I didn't forget."

"Yeah, neither did I," replies Raelynn with an exhale, finally finished untying the boat. She takes the oars in her hands and cranes her neck one last time behind her to look at him.

Raelynn raises an eyebrow. "You thought I forgot?"

"I thought... yeah, I did. I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have - "

"It was my fault too," she blurts blatantly, "and I'm sorry. But I didn't forget."

Anakin looks at her and is silent.

"Now if you'll excuse me," she says, turning back around to the boat and climbing in, "I'm going out on the lake."

"Are you sure I can't go with you?"

She shakes her head and chuckles. "If you really want to, Master Skywalker, get in."

Anakin laughs and climbs in the small wooden boat after her, sitting across from her and taking an oar.

She shuffles in her seat and leans an arm against the side of the boat as she drags the oar through the water, Anakin doing the same, until they're away from the dock.

"The water's so clear," she comments, practically hanging her head off the side of the boat.

Anakin looks over the side as well, and is taken aback by how clear the water really was. "You're right," he says, "You're awfully lucky to have grown up here, you know."

Without glancing up from staring at the water, Raelynn chuckles. "I guess you could say that," she scoffs, "But Tatooine isn't that bad."

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