Intermission... I'm Back

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I honestly don't know where to start. Being away from this site for so long has been... torturous, to say the least. I've missed you all so much and, spending so much time scrolling through months and months of support, I realized how much I needed to come back and continue writing.

My passions have changed, though. Don't get me wrong, I love writing all the same, but I run a Vine account with a hefty amount of followers - and that got very difficult to look after. I make edits on there, which take so much time - and most of my time. It was hard to have to devote most of my life to making computer edits rather than writing, which is what I love to do as well. Editing is fun, and it's not something I'm going to cease but, I did realize I needed to be here for you guys on this site as well.

What I mean by my passions changing is that I wanted to introduce a new Wattpad account that I created today. It's @mintchonne. The reason I created this account is when I realized I wanted to come back to Wattpad and writing fanfic, I didn't just want to write about Star Wars. With the new movie having come out back in December, I have plenty of ideas for you guys (leave your TFA ship in the comments, and remember not to judge one another for what they ship!), which will be exciting. But like I mentioned, Star Wars isn't all I want to write about.

On this new account I plan on writing about two things mainly: The Walking Dead, and a video game that recently became remastered on PS4: Heavy Rain. I noticed that Heavy Rain barely has any fics and I personally think I can make a difference to that! When I started writing my Star Wars stories, there were barely any fics, and look where we are now!

However, I'm unsure if that's the right thing to do - make a new account, I mean. I have another chapter on this story coming soon, and Into The Dark, because these two are not finished yet. I have come a long way on this account, but it shouldn't just be for Star Wars. Don't you think?

I understand a lot of you probably are not fans of either The Walking Dead or Heavy Rain. If you're not, I suggest you look into both of them - The Walking Dead is on every Sunday on AMC, airing at 9. The season 6 finale is coming up. Heavy Rain came out years ago, but was recently remastered. You can find plenty of play-throughs on YouTube!

So, all I ask for you guys is to leave a quick comment. One, let me know your favorite Star Wars: The Force Awakens ship! Please do not judge one another. And the second thing: should I write new fics on this account while adding to Into The Dark and Forbidden? Or should I stick with @mintchonne?

Please, please leave a comment to let me know. I promise - and I mean it this time - I will have new chapters for Into The Dark and Forbidden over my spring break (which is right now). In fact, I have a draft for Into The Dark just waiting to be published!

See you guys in the comments,

Claudia :D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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