Chapter Nine

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Angelica was crying as she brushed out her hair the next morning. She was at number forty-five and she was happier than she had ever been before. The gray was gone. Her hair was long, silky and golden, hanging down her back in waves.

She stared at her naked reflection in the mirror and couldn't believe the change from just two days ago. Her body had filled back out. Her hips were flared and feminine, her legs long, lean and toned. Her stomach was tight and taut over her filled out muscles. Her breasts were full and firm. She looked like a woman.. A young women. All lush curves and toned muscles. If not for these ugly scars covering her body she would be the woman she remembered herself being.

She wondered if Alex would notice the change in her when he came today. Probably not, considering she hid her body in her oversized dresses. Maybe he would notice the goldenness of her hair! That thought excited her and caused butterflies to swarm in her stomach. She touched her stomach and frowned.

She had never felt butterflies in her life. These were different than the nerves she had felt constantly before becoming friends with Alex. These were pleasant. She thought of Alex and the way he had changed her life so much in such a short amount of time. She hadn't heard Victor's voice since he had told the demon to go away and she had slept last night and only had one nightmare instead of being plagued by them all night. She had even stepped outside alone this morning and enjoyed the sunshine on her face, something she had not been able to do in her life.

Angelica finally got to one hundred and set her brush down on the bathroom sink before pulling on her oversized dress. She walked out into the living room and sat down on the couch to wait for Alex to show up. It was already almost eleven and she hoped he would get there soon.

Suddenly she had the urge to see the sunlight again and she walked over to the large living room window. She reached out a shaking hand to the thick black curtain covering it and froze. If she ripped that curtain down it would mean anyone outside would have a clear view of her..... But Alex had told her the world was safe and she believed him.

Sure Damien had been telling her that for centuries but he always acted irritated or exasperated when he spoke to her. Alex had laughed and teased. He'd been warm and caring and that was what she had needed. She grabbed the curtain and pulled it down before tossing it on the floor and smiling at the sunlight shining on her face.


Alex dashed himself to the clearing and hoped that Angelica wouldn't think he had forgotten her. He had had a hard time getting away from Tony and Todd that morning. They wanted to meet the woman who had their friend turning down a hot chick on a regular basis.

He realized that the thick black curtain was gone from the living room window and the sight he saw took his breath away.

Angelica was spinning around, her golden hair, gray free and swinging in the sunlight. She had a bright smile on her face and he could hear her singing along with a country song playing on the television. She stopped spinning and he felt his heart race as her dress became twisted tight around her and he was able to see the shape of what was beneath.

She was built like some kind of Greek goddess. Her breasts were high and full and they were rising and falling rapidly as she panted with exertion. Her waist was slim and her hips flared out and he wondered what it would feel like to place his hands on those hips and pull her close against him. He wished he could see her legs, but the dress hid those from view.

She looked like a completely different woman from the one he had met at the family house a week ago. She looked young and innocent and beautiful and she had an effect on him that no other woman ever had. The sight of her made it hard for him to breath and made his heart race in his chest.

Alex and Angelica (7th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now