Chapter Fourteen

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A week passed and Angelica and Alex had both never been as happy as they were during those days. Alex loved holding her in his arms all night and while his body was screaming at him for more, she still wasn't ready. She was getting better about going places with him as well though she hadn't wanted to go to his gigs Friday and Saturday and Alex hadn't blamed her. A rock concert in a bar was a scary thing.

Alex was sitting on the couch watching television, while Angelica laid with her head in his lap reading a book when suddenly Angelica put her book against her chest and looked up at him.

"What is it, sweetheart?" he asked looking down at her and smoothing her hair behind her ear.

"I think it's time to go back and see your family."

"Are you sure?" Alex asked.

"Yes. I would like to talk to Damien." Alex nodded.

"It's late enough that everybody should be home." he said and he stood up and pulled her to her feet. "Are you ready?" he asked her. She sat her book on the table and smoothed out her tight blue t-shirt and jeans.

"Yes." He wrapped his arms around her and dashed her to the front yard of the family house.

"Alex!" Gwen called as she ran from the porch and Alex knelt so he could hug her.

"Hi Gwen." he replied. Then he looked up at his aunt Raquel who had been on the front porch with the little girl. "Where's everybody at?"

"Out back. Evan and Greg are showing off their grilling skills." Raquel turned to Angelica. "I owe you an apology." she said. Angelica shook her head.

"It's okay."

"Well come on and eat then." Raquel said with obvious relief. Angelica was happy to hear that Raquel was talking to her as if she was an adult instead of a child.

(Family, I need to tell you something.) Alex said so everyone but Angelica could hear. (We're here to visit and I'm warning everybody right now to be nice to her, no insults and do not treat her like a child because she doesn't need to be coddled or babied. Treat her just like you'd treat anybody else coming into the family.) No one answered him but he knew they all had heard him.

Raquel and Gwen led them all to the back and Angelica was surprised, as always, by just how many people were in this family.

Hunter was standing at the grill, wearing a 'kiss the cook' apron that Laney had insisted he wear because she thought it was hilarious. Raquel saw that and walked right up to him and planted a big kiss on his lips. Evan and Laney both looked on in shock and Hunter blushed, cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck with the hand that wasn't flipping burgers.

"Uh, what was that about?" he asked.

"Yes, do tell." Laney agreed. Raquel shrugged.

"His apron says to kiss the cook!" she exclaimed. Everyone laughed because they knew the crush that Raquel had always had on Hunter. Evan grabbed his mate around her waist and pulled her to him, pressing his lips to hers hungrily.

"You're lucky I don't kill him for that." he growled with a smile.

"Oh hush, big guy, you know you're the only wolf for me."

"But I'm a vampire, ma'am." Hunter said matter of factly as Laney pushed him away from the grill to let Greg take over.

"Hush, don't give away our secret affair lover boy." Raquel said with a wink.

"Angel!" Rebecca exclaimed when she caught sight of her. She rushed over and hugged her tight. Rebecca was surprised when Angelica hugged her back instead of stiffening up the way she always had in the past.

Alex and Angelica (7th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now