Chapter Eleven

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A few hours later Alex left Angelica in the kitchen, laughing and talking with the other women while he sniffed out Damien. He found him alone in the library, sitting at a table and looking out the window.

"Damien." Alex said when he walked in and the tall, blond demon turned to look at him.


"You need to learn how to be more supportive of Angelica instead of being such a hard ass." Alex said and Damien stood up and gave him a hard look as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I have been dealing with all of her irrational fears for a lot longer than you have. You will soon grow just as tired of it." Alex shook his head and sat down on the back of the couch.

"No I won't because the irrational fears are very rational and she's already getting better. Can't you tell that she's getting better?" Damien nodded.

"She is and that's what scares me." he said. He decided that it was best to open up and be honest with Alex since most of what he'd been saying lately had made him sound like a cold, heartless monster and that wasn't what he was at all.

"Why does that scare you?" Alex asked as he twisted the chain on his pants around his finger.

"She is taking all her strength from you. What happens when you grow tired of her and leave?" Alex laughed at first but then realized that Damien wasn't joking.

"Damien, I love her. I'm not going anywhere."

"Then why haven't you told her that she's your mate?" Alex shrugged and tapped his fingers on the table top beside him.

"Because I know that what I'm feeling is real but I want her to know it is too and I'm afraid she won't if she knows I'm her mate." he replied. "She still needs you too, you know. She needs you to support her and be there for her. Only difference is that now she can go get her own groceries."

"I do thank you for that." Damien said. "I never pushed her to leave because she would begin to panic and scream and I didn't want to see her like that."

"She's tougher than you think. But she did cry after you left this morning." Damien's eyes widened with surprise.

"Why?" he demanded. Emotions still confused him greatly.

"Because you weren't happy that she was happy." Alex replied. "And because you didn't think that I really cared about her or thought she was pretty."

"I never said those things." Damien argued and Alex shrugged.

"I told you that she's smarter than you think. She picked up on it." he said and then he raised his brow and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I do care and I do think she pretty... Hell I think she's beautiful." Alex saw Damien's look of disbelief and he grinned. "Okay at first I didn't think so but once you get to know her and you see the goodness inside she is beautiful."

"If you hurt her...." Damien warned.

"I won't hurt her." Alex assured him. Both men stared hard at each other for several long moments and finally Damien sighed and nodded.

"Okay. If she trusts you and you say you mean her no harm then I'll trust you too."

"Good." Alex said with a grin. "I was kind of worried you'd kick my skinny butt for coming in here and telling you what I thought."

"No. It would not be a fair fight." Damien replied, scratching at his muscular forearm. "I am glad that my mother has someone who isn't afraid to stand up for her."

"I hate to interrupt this touching father/son moment but the food is ready." Kayleb said with a laugh as he poked his head into the library.

"I don't eat." Damien replied while Alex tried, and failed, to think of a witty response to Kayleb's comment.

Alex and Angelica (7th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now