Chapter Ten

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Angelica looked in the mirror and hoped that she had picked out something that Alex would like. The jeans fit her tight and showed off her feminine hips and long legs. The satiny floral blouse was loose enough that she didn't feel over exposed but form fitting enough that her firm breasts and small waist were easy to see. She and Kaitlyn had even gotten her some new bras and underwear and she was surprised by how much different her chest looked with the bra on.

Kaitlyn had picked out some ties for her hair as well so she could pull it up into a ponytail and so Angelica had. She wasn't sure she liked the ponytail as it made all the scars on her neck and cheeks fully visible with no hair hanging down to hide them. She would leave it up to Alex whether he liked her hair this way or not.

The knock on her door had her running to unlock and answer it. She glanced at the clock on the way and saw that it was only eight-thirty in the morning. He must have really missed her if he was here this early. She unlocked the door and opened it only to realize it wasn't Alex but Damien and Kaylee that stood there.

They both stared at her with shock and disbelief.

"Angelica, is that you?" Kaylee asked. If it wasn't for the scars she would swear this was not the same woman. She looked healthy, young, fresh and..... Happy.

"Of course it's me. Who else would it be?" she asked as she moved aside so they could walk in. Damien saw that the curtains were down and the house was spotless.

"How have you been?" he asked.

"My friends and I have been great!" Angelica replied as she walked into the kitchen and poured herself and Kaylee a cup of the tea, she'd just gotten done making.

"Here you go." she said handing one to Kaylee. Kaylee remembered how the tea had smelled and tasted like stale sweat the last time Angelica had given her a cup, and so she sniffed it carefully only to be surprised by the sweet, lemony scent.

"The place looks good." Kaylee said as the three of them sat down in the living room.

"Yes, it was getting a bit messy." Angelica replied and then she tilted her head and looked at Damien.

"I love that you came to visit but what brings you by? It's not like you to just stop by and surprise me." Damien cleared his throat and laid his forearms on his knees as he leaned forward.

"I wanted to check on you.... Has Alex been here?" Neither Damien nor Kaylee missed the way Angelica's eyes lit up at the mention of Alex's name.

"Yes. He's been here every day to visit with me. He'll be here soon. He took me shopping yesterday and Kaitlyn helped me pick out these clothes." she said, running her hands over her blouse.

"They look really pretty." Kaylee said with a nod and Angelica set her lips in a firm line and squared her shoulders at the tone in Kaylee's voice. Kaylee talked to her the same way Damien and everyone else did, except for Alex. They talked to her as if they were talking to a small child.

"Yes they do. He also took me to a Mexican restaurant and the food was great."

"You left the house and went shopping?" Damien asked, finding that hard to believe.

"Yes. Alex insisted that I come with him and he makes me feel safe. I'm not afraid of the bunnies anymore either. He changed into a wolf and caught one and showed it to me. I realize now how foolish I was to be frightened of them at all. Alex told me that he thinks I'm pretty too... can you believe that? A man that thinks a woman like me is pretty?"

"He told you that, huh?" Damien asked and he leaned back on the couch and stared at his mother. He was glad to see how happy she was but that didn't ease his mind. What would happen when Alex got tired of playing 'caretaker' to his mother. It would happen, Alex would leave and his mother would spiral back down to what she had been before.

Alex and Angelica (7th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now