chapter twelve

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"Looks like he gave up his no spooning policy." A male voice broke through Angelica's dreams. She'd been dreaming she was in a warm cocoon. Enveloped in a hardness that made her feel both safe and protected. She opened her eyes just a sliver and could see Alex's green hair, and his thin, firm lips were pressed against her shoulder, blowing warm breath across her skin.

"Yeah, he's definitely spooning." a second voice said and Angelica felt the beginnings of fear. Who was in Alex's house and what did they want? She sunk down a little deeper in his arms and made sure her face was hidden by the blankets.

"Alex," she whispered as she felt him stir behind her. "Who's here?"

"A couple of homeless idiots who don't have the good sense to stay the hell out of my house.... Or my bedroom." he grumbled but she could hear the smile in his voice.

"That wasn't very nice." Tony said. "Thought you didn't cuddle after sex. Who's under there with you, Candy?"

"Once again, Tony, your stupid is showing." Todd said. "She smells a little like that ice cream he's suddenly been eating by the gallon."

"Who is Candy and do I really smell like ice cream?" Angelica whispered and Alex chuckled.

"First off, Todd and Tony, get the hell out of my bedroom, I'll come out in a minute." Alex said and Todd and Tony laughed and Angelica heard the door close. "Second, I think we took a really long nap because it's dark out." Angelica pulled the covers off her face and looked out the big window to see that yes it was dark. The dark night was lit with bright lights and neon signs.

"Who is Candy and do I really smell like ice cream?" she asked again. Alex sighed and kissed her neck, causing goose pumps to cover her skin and a tremor to pass over her spine.

"Candy is just a girl and she's nothing for you to be worried about and yes you smell like vanilla ice cream, only better."

"And who are those people that are here?"

"Todd and Tony."

"The other men in the band with you?"

"Yeah." Alex replied running his fingertips over her hand and then lacing his fingers with hers. "Todd is a vampire and Tony is a mortal who is missing a few brain cells."

"Can I...."

"Can you what?" Alex asked burying his nose deeper into her hair so he could breath more of her scent. He had never held a woman like this before and he could see now why men enjoyed it so much. He felt bigger and stronger, holding her small body wrapped so tightly in his arms.

"Can I talk to them?"

"They're pretty big losers but yeah you can talk to them, why?"

"I wasn't allowed to speak with Victor's visitors."

"I don't know if you noticed but uh... I'm not Victor." Alex replied as he pressed his lips against her neck.

"Yes.. I noticed." Angelica replied and she pulled out of his arms and away from the heat he was stirring in her. Alex sighed and sat up, flinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

"They're good guys, Angelica. You can trust them."

(Todd, make sure Tony knows not to mention the fact that she's my mate okay? I haven't told her yet and I'd rather she not hear it from the bald baboon.)

(I'll tell him, but you really should tell her.) Todd replied.

(Mind your own business sir sucks-a-lot.) Alex grumbled.

Alex and Angelica (7th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now