Chapter Fifteen

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"Angel, we need you!" Tony sang in a gruff voice. "Please please please come to our gig tonight!" he finished off, his deep baritone voice rising up to a screechy falsetto.

"Shut up, Tony, and leave the woman alone." Todd said, sipping his cup of blood. It had been a week and a half since the incident in the bedroom and neither Alex nor Angelica had tried to make love with the other since. Alex wanted to give her time and Angelica was too afraid to start because she didn't want to disappoint him again.

Now Alex was getting ready for another gig and Tony was desperately trying to talk Angelica into coming with them.

Angelica began to wring her hands nervously and Alex quickly grabbed them to stop her the way he always did.

"You'll be fine, Angelica. You don't have to stand out in the crowd, you can hang out behind the stage." Alex wasn't about to let her give in to her fears this time. He knew from the past that she needed a push in order to do new things and he was willing to shove her forward when it came to this.

"Okay." she said with a tiny nod. She didn't want to let him down.

"Hell yeah!" Tony exclaimed and he wrapped his arms around her from behind, lifted her feet from the floor and spun her around and around. At first she stiffened with fear but by the time he sat her down she was laughing happily.

"Are you done manhandling my mate?" Alex asked with a grin and Tony nodded.

"For now." he replied.

"You guys go on and Angelica and I will be there in a bit." Tony and Todd smiled.

"Our little ones are growing up." Todd said with a smile. Tony wiped a make-believe tear from his cheek and sniffed.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Get the hell out of here." Alex said with a broad grin as he punched Tony in the arm. Tony and Todd laugh, grabbed onto each other arms, the air shimmered and they were gone.

"Your friends are crazy." Angelica said matter of factly. Alex shrugged and kissed her nose.

"Don't let them hear you call them my friends because they considered themselves to be your friends too."

"I've never had real friends." Alex grinned.

"Well they're not much, but they're loyal and they love you." Alex led her back to the bedroom where she began to change out of her lounge pants and oversized t-shirt and into a pair of jeans and a black tank top. Alex found himself unable to look away from her as she stood there in her matching black panties and bra. The black fabric contrasted with her pale skin and outlined the curves of her breasts and hips.

His eyes roamed from her face down the gentle slope of her shoulders, across the high firm curve of her breasts and down the tight lines of her stomach. He followed the feminine curve of her hips, his eyes pausing on the tempting triangle between her legs before going further down to her long lean legs. He honestly didn't even notice the scars anymore when he looked at her beautiful body.

He felt his own body responding to the sight of her and she quickly pulled her shirt on to break his concentration. Alex cleared his throat and looked in the mirror to make sure his hair was spiked enough.

"I think you could draw blood if you ran into someone with that hair." Angelica teased as she slid into her jeans. Alex smiled.

"See, if anybody messes with you I'll have a weapon right here on my head to defend you with." The mental image of Alex using his head and hair as a sort of battering ram had Angelica laughing out loud. As she began to brush out her hair Alex grabbed his acoustic guitar case from beneath the bed.

Alex and Angelica (7th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now