#1- We'll just let drown

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January 4th, 2015

School is getting worse than usual, if that's even possible. They're assigning us essays in each class over our thoughts of what it would be like it the world ended. How would a bunch of 15 and 16 years olds know? Like, I know we should be creative and such, but the end of the world? This generation thrives off of our dependence on the world not ending. We need that electricity and heating, without it we'd be lost.

Of course, I can imagine the world without those things...it'd be dark and cold, obviously. Other than that, I'm not too sure. I still can't grasp why we need to do these essays in EVERY SINGLE class. Like, how does this relate to Algebra? Or even Science? Maybe if it said, 'how would science change if the world ended?' or some absurd question like that.

Considering the fact nothing has happened in over three years to even give us a signal the world will end soon, I see no reason for the end of the world why we should write these essays.

I guess I might as well get started on those essays now.


January 5th, 2015

So, apparently, I was wrong. Everyone is predicting the end of the world for next week. In Science, we're going to look through a bunch of telescopes to see the incoming asteroid that's suspected to knock Earth of its orbit; in History, we're going to look at old newspapers for what people in the past thought would signal the end of the world. However, in gym, English, Algebra, and Drama, I'm not too sure what we're going to do.

Everyone is saying that it's just a sham and a giant troll against everyone to get more views on the news. Of course my parents aren't buying it, and neither are my grandparents. They all pulled all their savings and money out of the bank, plus any money from their 401K just in case. If nothing happens, they'll put it all back before it's spent.

Since they're waiting till something happens I guess it's a good thing so they don't buy a bunch of things we won't need. But, they keep warning that if anything does happen we won't be doing much outside of the house as a safety precaution. So, that puts an end to seeing my friends, and an end to Jordan's skateboarding, and an end to Emma's rollerblading.

Somehow, even though I'm the middle child, Jordan and Emma took up the good genes. They're all sporty and lean, and to go along with it, they're not bad looking. Then there's me; the non-athletic, slip-up, odd ball child. And to go along with it, I'm always the one in trouble. Honestly, I don't know what to make of it. My parents just say there has to be someone in the family that's different, so that's me, the uncomfortably awkward different child.

Jordan, my older brother, by ONLY four years, is in all advanced college classes. And, he's in two different sports: soccer and track, AND on the debate team. And on top of it, he manages to have a part time job. Considering he's in his freshman year of college, I'm not sure how he does it.

Emma already has plans for college and jobs, plus what classes she's taking in high school. She's in flute, guitar, and keyboard lessons. Plus, she's in ballet and karate, along with soccer. She's in every advanced class she can take as a 7th grader and plans on taking AP classes in high school. And somehow manages the busiest social life I've ever seen.

Then there's me, Danielle, I'm in piano lessons, and only two AP classes. I have a small social life. I'm not in a single sport. I can't drive. And I have no job. But, I do have a possible chance of getting another instrument to play and take lessons for; if I do I want it to be the guitar.

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