#7- Heroes Always Get Remembered

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April 15th

I think we all needed that candy; I think we all needed some good to balance the bad. But we all know that box after box of chocolate won't heal a broken heart; heck, will it even heal a break up? We all know that Gramps isn't coming back.

I was the last to realize this; it's my own damn fault that I didn't have that slap in the face sooner, I was too optimistic. In some ways, it's a great thing- more food for us; but in some ways it's like my heart got ripped out of my chest and stomped on, then put in a blender and all I could do was watch powerlessly.

I know that I'm careless, I've already responded way too over dramatic to losing Gran by trying to commit suicide. What the hell was I thinking? Thank you, Jordan. I took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling- it's too white. Next my eyes shifted to the curtains- they're too pink. Finally, my eyes landed at each of the photos along my wall- they're too happy. Too pure.

I'm completely different now; I'm more grown. I've learned more life lessons in the past few months than I would've ever learned in my entire life. In some ways I'm thankful this happened. I'm thankful Gran passed on, I'm thankful Gramps left.

I'm thankful for delusions.


*Jordan's POV*

April 16th, 2015

Danni needs help. She's barely making it, and it hurts to see her like this. But the only thing that I can think of that could help her besides food and a hot shower- which is kind of impossible to get access to right now- is medication. And we don't have what she needs. She needs antidepressants and we don't have any. I wish we did, we all need some right now.


April 17th, 2015

*Emma's POV*

No one but me knows where Gramps is. The only reason I do is because he knows I won't tell anyone. I barely talk to anyone anymore. I don't feel the need to anyways, so why try? Besides, what else is there to talk about besides inevitable death?

He left. His rock was gone, he told me. He said that since she's gone he should be too. So, with that, he gave me a kiss on the four head then left. I watch his back as he walked out. He knew that I'd tell them eventually. He told me if I was going to tell to wait a few weeks. And I have; I'm tired of waiting to tell.

I walked out the door and stared at my family who just sat there, the depression is more obvious when you're not stuck in the daze. They all sat there, heads on each others shoulders or their heads resting on their hands. Finally, I wouldn't be the one yanked from my thoughts; I'd be the one to do it.

I sucked in a deep, quiet breath. "Gramps went to find himself."

Mom gave me a confused look. "Honey, what do you mean?"

"I mean," I start; clarifying things is one of the things to do, in my opinion. "Gramps told me that he was going to go and try to find someone who could help him fill the hole that Gran left and find out who he really is or he was going to give up on everything, and just find a way to die." My voice stayed steady throughout my small speech.

Everyone stared at me in awe, either wondering why I'm so emotionless or why he told me the first place. Maybe they were wondering both. Danni met my eyes first, in them there was anger and sorrow.

"Why did he tell you?!" Her voice was struggling to not break. She tried to keep it even. "Why couldn't we fill the hole? Are we not good enough for him?!"

Jordan matched her tone. "Danni, shut up. It's not all about you. It doesn't matter who he told, just that he told someone. Not everyone has to report to you when they're leaving or going to die. God knows you didn't."

All at once we turned to Danni, confused at what Jordan meant and saw her eyes overflow with tears. Almost immediately Jordan regretted what he'd told her. He got up and moved over to her, trying to hug her but she got up too, pulling from his grasp and ran to her room.

Slowly Mom and Dad stared at Jordan. Their eyes said everything. We didn't need either of them to ask. Of course, I wanted them to; I had no idea what Jordan had implied.

"Jordan, what did you just say to make her cry?" Dad struggled more than Danni to not yell.

"Nothing." He huffed and left.


April 17th, 2015

*Jordan's POV*

I took in a deep breath, trying to prepare for her screaming match. I knocked on the door and walked in. I looked at her frail body shaking on the bed. I walked over and sat down next to her on the bed.

"Danni, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." I tried to soothe her; I didn't want her to cry.

She sat up and layed her head on my shoulder, "No, it's fine. You were right."

"I was right?" I couldn't hide my shock, she hates admitting when she's wrong.

"Yeah, you were. I'm so obsessed with myself and how if anyone does anything they should tell me and no one else. It's not like that and I need to get that in my head before I do something real bad." She took in a deep breath, "I'm sorry, Jordan."

From then on, we layed on her bed as we joked about our worst break downs and reminisced about old times.

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