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Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there were three sisters who had it all. You name it, money, popularity, looks and attention. I'm Lonessa, the middle sister. Plus, i'm the best looking and the smartest...well maybe not, but anyway, I'm telling the story. Today is the first day back at school from the long summer break. My sisters, Rozessa and Iridessa who are 13 and 17 are both getting ready for school. "Umm..hello", said Zessa looking suspiciously at me,"where's my bra?" She asked me with searching glare. "How do I know?" I answered rudely,"why're you asking me?" I asked folding my arms in front of me.
Why would I take her stupid bra, with a chest like mine? I didn't have boobs and she knew it. Just when I thought I thought I was over fussing about my flat chest, she just had to rub it in. "Give it up!" Gasped Iridessa pulling the bra from underneath me. Zessa and I share a room , lucky Iridessa has her own room. Last night, we slept in the same bed...all three of us.

We were having nightmares as usual. Iridessa dabbed rouge on her full lips. I grabbed the lipstick and put some on my lips too. All our lips are pretty much alike, just like our faces and bodies...except the 'boob' part. Must be because our parents decided to have kids so close together, to prevent boredom. Being fifteen isn't child's play. You need to look and walk the part.

But there is something totally different about us. Dessa has greyish eyes, while Nessa has brown and I have deep green eyes. See, Iam quite pretty. Both Zessa and Iridessa have long flowing hair (common and boring) and yours truly has short, slightly spikey hair. "We're running late!" Said Dessa checking her watch. Zessa grabbed her bag and ran out. Within a minute, Dessa did the same. I just stood there no idea where my bag was. I spotted it and grabbed it, making sure i wasn't forgetting anything else. Here we go! I thought as I closed the door behind me. Mom and the girls were already in her car, I apologized for keeping them waiting, and snuggled into the backseat beside Zessa.

My stomach flipped as the golden school gates appeared. It was already packed with concerned teenagers, on a mission to up their grades...or reputations. "Good luck" mom called out at us as we made our way to the entrance. We blew her kisses in response, and walked away without another word. We noticed a few interested faces studying us silently. "Have they forgotten us?" Asked Zessa. "How do I know?" I gasped annoyed. "Of course you don't know, I wasn't asking you!" Answered Zessa annoyed too. I gave her a warning stare and walked to my Best friend Neela. She was the most annoying thing in highschool, but I still loved her to bits.

She ran to me immediately and squeezed me in an uncomfortable hug. "How are you doing Nessa?" She pulled away and studied me with a wide smile. "Boy have we got curves!" She giggled playfully. I had actually out on some weight, in all the right places though. "I'm awesome, you?" I giggled back. "I'm fine..." She trailed off. I knew that meant she wasn't. "Whats wrong Neela?" I asked folding my arms in front of me. Her face was turning more pale than usual. "I could've kissed Zack a little," she said avoided eye contact. "So?" I sighed relieved. Her expression changed in surprise. "So..." She repeated. " I don't give a cow's dick" I replied annoyed. Zack was my admirer, and everyone including my sisters, thought I liked him back. Honesty, I didn't care if Neela did anything with him. "So, you guys must've spent the summer together?" I asked, partly hoping I was wrong. "It was just yesterday", answered Neela smiling shyly. my heart skipped uncomfortably, at the thought. "Oh." I began. "He still exists". I added.

At lunchtime I decided to ditch my sisters in the cafeteria, and join Neela in the playground. "Are you okay?" I asked looking at her pale face. She nodded in response. Zack must've been a bad kisser, because Neela wasn't floating on cloud-nine. I saw Zessa and Dessa running towards us at full speed. "Lonessa!" Called Zessa. "O.M.G!" Added Dessa. I watched them breathlessly stop and catch their breath. "Whats wrong?" I asked frowning. "Zack!" Exclaimed Dessa. "What about him?" I struggled to understand. They both took deep breaths and stopped suddenly. I turned to look in the direction their mesmerized faces were facing. I was nose to nose with the most beautiful face in the history of 'beautiful'. Hazel eyes decorated with floaty eyelashes, stared back at me. It took me a few minutes to notice that it was indeed.....Zack.

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