Diss battler

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Chapter 6

Monday morning, and I had a splitting headache like I had been drinking the night away. Turned out that while me and my best friends..well they could settle for 'friends' for now.

Anyway, while they helped me with my Mt. Everest of chores, my family was out buying makeup for Dessa's face. I was actually relieved to see that it was just a tiny scar and Dessa was that much of a drama queen, and overreacted. They then went to shoe world and bought her that pair of militaries we had been drooling over for the past few months. Talk about unfair.

But I was just glad I was out of the lion's-den. Mom even forced me to apologize to my sisters, and I didn't hesitate one bit.

They said they were ok with me, but I know they were still out to get me. And after a night of cleaning, crying and apologizing, I had my very first hangover. I immediately jumped out of bed when Zessa came in and took her school bag and said bye, I then realised that I was stinking late!

I had never moved so fast before, as I flew from room to room getting ready. I had ten minutes left on the clock, then I would be late. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

Mom, Dessa and Zessa were already gone, so I had to run. I ran as fast as I could, which wasn't a joke considering my headache. I reached the gates feeling like a piece of thread. The wind was blowing my skirt up and I was so tired, the rock by the gate seemed very inviting. I knew better though, cause when I checked my phone, I was just on time.

The guard looked me over and frowned in pity. "Are you okay Lonessa?" He asked placing a hand on my forehead. "You're burning up!" He exclaimed studying me nervously. I felt a little lightheaded, so I nodded mindlessly. "I'm taking you to the nurse's office". He said taking my hand and slowly led me to the school's clinic. My vision was already blurring and I felt drunk, if I knew how that felt.

The rest was a blur as I was dabbed with a wet towel on my forehead, and I passed out.

When I awoke, the first thing I noticed was Neela and Kim, fumbling with some cards and flowers. From my fans of course. They kept giggling at the phoney messages, from my secret admirers.

Neela coughed signaling to Kim that I was awake and she had to put my stuff down. "Nessa!" called Kim smiling and standing beside the bed. Neela joined her, and the door flew open revealing my huffing sisters and, wait for it....oh, Zack..

They all stood around the bed as if I was in hospital, and it was their last chance to see me. I couldn't help but wonder where Rocky was. Zack must've seen me staring at the door, because he walked over to it and shut it, letting me know that no one else was coming.

There was silence, and I swore they were gonna murder me. "So, are you okay?" Asked Dessa covering her scar with her left hand. I felt fine so I nodded. I still couldn't help but look towards the door, where was he? Or maybe he was helping some other teenage girl with a simple project. I was getting tired of being the princess whereby everyone wanted to kiss my frog.

"He's in the Guys' sickroom." Said Zessa feeling my temperature. I pushed her hand out of the way, and got off the bed with a start. "What?!" I shrieked. "Who are you talking about?" I whispered, hoping I had heard her wrong.

Zessa looked pained as she moved away slowly, almost tripping over my bag that lay carelessly on the floor. "Rocky." Said Zack raising an eyebrow. "Why, is he sick?" I asked searching the floor for my shoes. I spotted them under the tiny table. I grabbed them and put them on quickly. "What are you doing Lo'?" Asked Kim blocking the doorway. "Who's Rocky?" She asked again confusion written all over her face.

I didn't have time to explain this long dizzy story, so I ignored her and pushed her out of the way. "He had a breakdown." Answered Zack looking as if someone had punched him in the stomach. Did he still feel awful whenever I showed interest in someone else? Neela pulled my hand and led me back to the bed. "You aren't allowed in there!" She exclaimed with a laugh. I didn't see anything funny about my love for Rocky...yes, Love.

I sat down on the bed and pondered the fact that I couldn't enter the guys' room but they could, I mean Zack was in here. " what happened?" I asked looking Zack in the eye. He sat next to me and ran his fingers through his hair. Another Phillips' thing, it was still quite new to me that they were cousins. "Diss battling", he said taking a card from the table. "What about it?" I asked.

Rocky had touched on the fact that he was a diss battler back home, but he didn't mention anything about breakdowns. "
its a very long story." He answered . there was a long silence, till the nurse came in, and announced that I could go to class. She handed me a pack of paracetamol, for the headache. I stood up and took my bag, Kim and Neela collected the cards and flowers and we all left the room.

In the hallway, everyone stopped and stared, as we walked past. We reached our class and my sisters sauntered off to their classes. I was stuck with Kim, Neela and Zack. We entered the class and I suddenly missed the sickroom.

Mr. Smith stopped his lesson and looked at us, as soon as he saw me, he smiled happily. "Are you okay Lonessa?" He asked leading me to a desk in front of his. "I hope so." I answered sitting down with a smile. I did a very good job at pleasing teachers, so they all liked me.

The boring lesson about pancreas went on and on boringly, until a note was slipped to me. It was from Zack. It went on and on, and when I was done reading it, I learned that Rocky tried diss battling earlier and someone must've heard dirt about him, and used it in the battle.

My vision blurred when I learned that the dirt was about him going to a battle, at his old school and losing. He apparently got so angry that he took his car and drove home. On the way, he had an accident...and someone died... His girlfriend.

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