Letting go of the past

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Chapter 8

My head spun around wildly and I had to hold it, to prevent falling on it. Mom ran to my side and took my hand. "Are you okay sweety?" She asked worried. I nodded suddenly feeling numb. Rocky frowned in horror and stood up to help my Mom. I shivered when his cold hand took mine and prevented me from falling.

"Are you okay Lonessa?" He whispered leading me to the table. What was it with him that made me weak all over? He didn't have to do much, just one touch or look and I was a blob of molten flesh. From the corner of my eye, I could see Dessa frowning uncomfortably. She had better be uncomfortable, because this was a very low move. She knew I 'd freak out if anyone touched or threatened to touch Rocky...she had a scar to prove it. Zessa was looking me up and down, noticing my glowing skin. I had forgotten about that. Rocky sat me down but didn't let go of my hand. He had this worried look on his face.

After mom had cleaned the bits of glass, she went into the kitchen returning with a glass of milk, she handed it to me. I took it and put it on the table. "I'm fine" I said looking at Mom. I slowly slid my hand out of Rocky's and folded my arms, who did he think he was holding my hand after showing up at my Mom's house as Dessa's date?. He got off his knees and smiled at my Mom, hoping she hadn't seen the tension between us. "I'd better go Mrs. Lee", He said checking his watch.

"My Aunt must be worried sick, thanks for inviting me in." He added heading towards the door. Mom frowned in disappointment. "Can't you stay a little longer?" She asked . "I would love to, but I can't," He apologized and I realised that he was very polite, unlike some teenage boys. "Very well, I'll walk you out," said Mom following him.

They disappeared outside and I stood up without a word. Was this what he meant when he said he was coming over? By meeting my Mom as Dessa's date! I felt sick for real, for the first time today. I made my way to the stairs leaving my milk behind. When I reached my bedroom, I got in bed and whatsapped my buddies in a group chat.

Me: So Rocky came over for dinner, and everything went from bad to worse.

Neela: Dinner? I thought Zack said he was there to see you.

Kim: Who exactly is this Rocky guy?

Me: He came to see me?? Why was he sitting around the dinner table with my family, next to Dessa? Dessa was all dressed up and made up.

Neela: Maybe he just happened to visit you at dinner time.

Kim: Hello? Rocky, who is he?

Neela: have you been living under a rock? Everyone knows who Rocky Phillips is!

Kim: doesn't ring a bell.

Neela: He's new and already, he has stolen every girl's heart. Oh and he is Zack's cousin.

Kim: get outta here!! The hot one with drop-dead gorgeous green eyes and jet-black hair???

Neela: yeah...that one.

Me: So you really think he was here for me?

Kim: You are dating him! You go girrrrrrl!!!

Neela: He was worried sick when I told him that you fainted yesterday. Said he'd treat you to lunch, to make up for not being conscious enough to visit you in the nurse's office.

Kim: My God, where do you find guys like that? Is there any chance that they have another hot cousin? XD

Me: S**t I gave him the cold shoulder, because I thought he was here for Dessa!

Kim: Can I have him now?.

Neela: stop fooling around Kim! He likes Nessa.

Me: I hope so...what if he was here because i'm his cousin's girlfriend's friend?

Neela: Stop being in denial Nessa, you and I know he wouldn't be there because of that!

What if Neela was right, and Rocky was falling for me? Maybe he told Dessa he was going to check up on me, and she used the opportunity to drag him into dinner? What if he tried to refuse and was too polite to say No to my Mom? Poor guy was just trying to be nice and it backfired in his face.

Kim: So what will you do Lo'?

Me: IDK Kim, maybe I should just let it slide.

Neela: No Nessa! Text him or something!

Me: I'll see...gotta go guys. Night.

Kim: Night girls

Neela: zzzzzzz..XD.

I put my phone down and stared up at the ceiling. Maybe I should call Zack, and ask him to tell Rocky I was sorry. I never really liked confrontations. I dialed Zack's number and was surprised by how quickly he answered.

"Lonessa, hi", he answered excitedly. "Does Rocky have a message for me?" He asked.
"No why?" I asked confused.
"Then why are you calling?" He asked his excitement changing to worry.
"Isn't he home yet?" I asked.
" I thought he was with you," he answered nervously.

"He left a while ago" I answered sitting up worried.
There was silence, then Zack hung up.
I blinked in horror, what happened to Rocky? Zack's house wasn't far from here, he should've been home a long time ago. I finally decided to call him. I waited and waited, but there was no answer. I could feel my skin crawl at the thought of him driving into a ditch, or the lake or something. He was obviously unlucky in love, because his girlfriend died, and now he was falling for a girl who had crazy conniving sisters, who were going to make it difficult for us to be together. Dessa to be exact, since Zessa hadn't tried anything yet.

I decided to call Neela and Kim and told them what was up.

They both said they would be right over. I got up and frantically got dressed in baggy jeans and a hoodie. I tiptoed downstairs and heard Mom snoring in her room, so I carried on to the front door. I stopped tiptoeing when I saw my sisters sitted cross-legged in front of the TV, they looked me over, and Zessa almost choked on her popcorn when she saw me.

"What the hell?" She asked standing up and putting the popcorn bowl on the couch. "Where do you think you're going?" Asked Dessa using the 'Big sister' tone on me. "Thanks to you" I began, "Rocky is missing." I added opening the front door. Zessa jumped and grabbed my hand. "Rocky is missing?" She whispered in question.

"No, he's right next to me!" I answered sarcastically. Her stupidy always annoyed me. "Wait!" She shouted letting go of my hand. "I'mma grab a jacket and I'll go with you." She added sprinting up the stairs. For once, she was on my side, I almost forgot how awesome that was.

Dessa was silent, till I reached for the doorknob, preparing to wait outside. "Wait, Nessa", she called. I stopped but didn't look at her. "I'm coming with you." She said running to the stairs too. She stopped halfway and turned to me. "You're my little sister, and this is partly my fault," she said. I turned around and looked at her expectantly. "Partly?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"OK, all my fault," she admitted continuing up the stairs. Right that moment, I was reminded that I had sisters and the kinds of sisters who'd be there for me in times of need. Once again, it was all dejavu!

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