stitching up a broken friendship

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Chapter 5

I woke up to my favourite smell...dirty laundry. Baskets and baskets of dirty laundry, and a note from Mom. I slipped into my slippers realising that no one was in Zessa's bed, but yet, the house was too quiet for a sunday morning. I picked up the note and smiled in annoyance. Yours truly was grounded, and laundry; Boots our dog's poop; all the unmade beds (left on purpose) and blah blah blah were all dumped onto my To-do list.

I decided to fuel up my energy by making my favourite, Cheerios with cold milk. That always got me going, because cold milk woke me up big time. As I headed downstairs, I was just in time for the doorbell. After having an irritated dance, I strolled to the door and opened it quickly.

My eyes almost popped outta my head when I saw Kim an Neela. They must've seen the look of confused disgust on my face, because they both smiled innocently. "Oh so not only were you dating Zack, but you were also hanging out with her behind my back!?" I hollered, scaring Boots who was rubbing his furry head on my leg. Neela did that thing she always did when she was caught red-handed, she looked at her shoes.

Kim, being the loudest and most confident I know, stood up for her like she always did when we were the three musketeers. "She was only with me today." She explained. I rolled my eyes in response. After all, that was exactly how Neela's relationship with Zack began.

This time, none of them replied. I decided to give them a try. "Come on in." I said calming down and opening the door wider. They followed me inside as I led them to the un-cleaned kitchen. What were they thinking coming here this early?. "Where're the girls?" Asked Neela trying to sound normal. But we both knew there wasn't anything normal between the three of us.

"Alright," I began folding my arms in front of me. "Lets get down to business." I added. I had to this over and done with it, after all, I had a humungus ridiculous amount of chores to complete. Kim walked over to me and took my hand, the famous hand that everyone had been holding in the past few days. "Remember how we became friends?" She questioned smiling that fake cheerleader smile.

I really didn't have time to reminisce right now, so I took back my hand and told them to get to the point. It was kind of rude, but what would you do to some old friend who ditched you for porpularity? Think about it. I wasn't that easy.

"I want us to give our frienship a try." She said looking at her hands. It was amazing how she'd changed since she became a cheerleader. Her hair and nails were on point, and it was obvious she wasn't a nail-biter anymore. more zits.

She got me a little worried about where I stood with Rocky. I mean think about it, if she and I were friends again, then Rocky would totally notice her. I'm quite insecure, sue me...and Rocky wasn't even mine yet. Even through my anger, I could still smell the smell of the candy shop. I remembered standing by the ice cream machine, too short to reach the spout.

Neela who was also my height, walked over and saw my problem. She and I made a deal that we would lift each other, and each take turns to fill our cones. Kim joined us, and it became our weekly routine. Each saturday, we'd go lift each other and have ice cream together.

Before we knew it, we were trading barbie dolls and going to sleepovers at each other's houses. Until highschool happened. Then we started noticing who was cooler than who, and who was prettier than who.

I smiled at the thought of our mischievous past, we didn't even pay for the ice-cream. We would hide behind stuff, and leave the shop. When I thought about how Kim had used my popularity, my smile faded.

"You used me!" I reminded her. "If it wasn't for me, you'd be some emo with purple hair" I said ignoring Neela's pleading stare. "Think about the good times Nessa, we were awesome!" Neela chimed in smiling.
She was right about something, for once. I missed my PICs ( partners in crime).

Although it hurt me that Neela couldn't be friends with me without Kim by her side, I'd still do it all in a heartbeat...except the highschool part. We would have to re-do that one. A smile filled with both happiness and sadness spread on my face, accompanied by hot stinging tears of joy (I hoped).

I opened my arms and motioned for my friends to hug me. They both had tears in their eyes too when they embraced me into the longest group hug ever. Dejavu!

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