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The plane landed and all the passengers, including myself, scurried off the plane like a bunch of mice.

I headed to baggage claim and grabbed my bag, and made sure I had all my stuff.

My phone rang, and It was Matt.

"Hello?" I ask,

"Hey Lex! Are you at the airport yet?"

"Uh,yeah, my plane just landed."

"Great, there's an über out in the front of the airport. He holding up a sign with your last name. Can't wait to see you." Matt says excitedly.

"Thanks best friend, I'll see you when I get home."

He ends the call with a 'k' and I slide my phone in my pocket, and walk out front, searching for my über.

I see a tall man standing in front of the car, holding a sign reading, "Ms. Caniff"

I smile, "that would be me!" I say, smiling at him.

"Great, do you have an I.d? Just to make sure, you know, you're not lying."

"It's okay, I get it." I say showing him my Driver's license.

He nods, letting me in the car.

"Do you know the address?" I ask the driver.

"Yes, your boyfriend gave it to me." He says.

"Boyfriend?" I ask confused.

"Yes, Matthew Espinosa, the one who reserved this über transportation for you."

"Oh, um, he's not my b-boyfriend." I say nervously,"did he tell you he was?"

"Yeah, he did." He says awkwardly, pulling up into my driveway.

My thoughts were still on Matt, and why he'd tell the über driver that.

"Thank you." I say grabbing my bags and exiting the vehicle.

I breath in the fresh air and look at my beautiful house that I had missed deeply.

I opened my front door and ran to the garage, not even thinking about saying 'hi' to Matt. I opened the door, revealing my Range Rover, still in great condition, thank the lord.

I laugh mentally, and turn around, relieved.

I jump at the sight of Matt in the doorway.

"Hey, remember me?" He laughs.

"Sorry, just seemed to burst through the door there." I laugh, giving him a small hug. With, the topic of the whole 'boyfriend' thing on my mind.

"So,where's Sammy?" He asks.

"Um," I look at my phone to see the time, "his plane should almost be landed." I say, looking down at the floor.

"So, did the über driver treat you well?" Matt asks.

"Well, he got me from point A to point B, so I guess that's good." I say laughing at his awkwardness. I could tell he was nervous for some reason. He's never acted this way around me.

She looked beautiful, she always does. I've never noticed how much she has until the last time I saw her. I don't want this to be one of those movies where the guy bestfriend is in love with his girl bestfriend, who's in a happy relationship, and ends up destroying everything all at once. I told the über driver that I'm her boyfriend, because it felt good to think about that, me being well, hers. I hope that guy didn't tell her I said I was, that would be the most embarrassing thing ever. I just want Alexis to be happy. With me. NO. Snap out of it Matt. She'll never thing of you that way. LET HER BE HAPPY. My subconscious throws in.

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