Walking Him Back

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As you walked in the cold dark of the night, you were ignoring many things. Your thoughts were fogged- thinking has been hard lately. The only thing you could really focus on at the moment was the soft scraping of your sneakers on the pavement. From where you were, you could see the girl's dorms, and the beautiful big moon shining above it along with it's scary new twin.

But that wasn't really what was clouding your mind as you walked to the Vortex Club's end of the world party.

Dressed in your signature shoes and large hoodie, you kept on along the sidewalks of Blackwood Academy. Physically you felt at ease walking in the windy night but inside you were all twisted up. It was until you saw the huge booming building with flashing lights that you realized why your mind was elsewhere. You were a little empty inside.

Recently all of your attention has been on your long time crush, Warren. You noticed how he'll go all out for Maxine Caulfield, acting like a bumbling bafoon every moment he's around her. But with you...you don't get that Warren.

You've been pining for the genius since freshman year, but it's been completely platonic between you two since you've met. He just doesn't like you the way he likes Max, and it fucking sucked.

You couldn't bare to be around her because of it. Nothing against her, you liked Max...well to an extent.

She hasn't done anything to you personally but it was painful watching her plainly pander around Warren and his feelings. She clearly didn't reciprocate his feelings but didn't know how to just be honest. What a crappy way to handle things.

Your train of thought stopped and you stared at your shoes... you didn't even know how to be honest with Warren about how you really felt.

You rolled your eyes at yourself and headed towards the building .

Your features fixed into a smile as soon as you got closer to the party and heard intoxicated hollers and cheers. With the way things were looking, this would be a good night to have fun with your friends, to forget about stupid pent up teenager problems for a minute.

It would've been, if you hadn't  seen Warren Graham himself stumbling over with his dumb fucking smile that you found oh-so-fucking cute. Large purple bruises shined along the side of his face as he walked towards you in the moonlight of the phenomenon looming high in the sky.  Clearing your throat and straightening your posture, you tried to have a cool and calm composure...even though you could feel your face flush and heart skip a beat.

Taking a closer look at him, you realized Warren was a little worse for wear. But he still seemed to be the same carefree boy; that made you extra angry at the jerk who hurt him.

Warren slung his heavy arm around your shoulders haphazardly and the red solo cup in his other hand sloshed around the edges, daring to spill. Peering down at your somewhat shocked face, he flashed you a shitfaced grin. He was hammered. Must've been having a pretty shitty week too, or maybe something happened inside at the party?

"Hey-y (y/n)." His voice came out in a light breath, disheveled and sweaty from being inside where all the action was. "It'a good to see you showed up to the end of the world party!" Chuckling with a tone that could totally only have a double meaning, you furrowed your eyebrows.

But the concern quickly melted away when you  saw his boyish smile again, the one that left your brain tingling. The positive demeanor he had quickly faded as his eyes crossed the ground and made their way up to the starry night sky in deep thought. "Man...it really does kinda feel like the end of the world doesn't it?"

Once again, he seemed to be talking about more than just the double moons.

Racking your brain of all the possibilities that could cause Warren to be so emo right now left you with nothing, and it was depressing. Warren hasn't seen or talked to you in a couple weeks. It's not even his fault, and you stopped putting in effort since you two don't share any classes anymore.

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